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Everything posted by amarshall

  1. In Michigan, this cell to the west is Tor warned. Cool to see storms so far away out here . .
  2. Anyone know what the prevelant pollen is in the air right now? i'm dying.
  3. 0.36" in 20 minutes. Thank god needed that
  4. 0.04” 20 miles south. Sod dying .
  5. Connecticut at the in-laws . IPAs loin cloth and a lake. 65f .
  6. Went for a f'ing freezing bike ride this morning 41
  7. Yes. June 1 - Aug 15 closure. We've hired an environmental attorney to find some wiggle room.
  8. Turtleboy is way ahead of everyone else on this.
  9. As for a weather related property. How would this place fare for snow. 1200 ft elevation On a zoom daydreaming about rural farms. https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/1716-Page-Hill-Rd_East-Corinth_VT_05040_M45555-85639
  10. Oaks continue to torment and drop leaves in Napril. .
  11. Might be far but we use Sheridan irrigation in Duxbury . Love them.
  12. Lots of deer. Any bucks show up on camera in the fall?
  13. 48 fog at the oyster farm in falmouth
  14. Too early to wire rack your grass ? Minor dethatching and pick up sticks
  15. has to be @Damage In Tolland to make the thread
  16. High tide 2 hr delay for duxbury today .
  17. Hingham was closing in on 2.5" when I left an hour ago and was nuking. Duxbury is 1"
  18. Flipped to snow for about 3 minutes in duxbury
  19. I was just in the west end of Marshfield on the coastal plain and it’s definitely trying to flip .
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