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Everything posted by amarshall

  1. So Ikon keeps sending me $200 off VIP promotions because this was the first year I said nah. Will season pass holders for individual mountains get priority over IKON?
  2. IPAs have absolutely destroyed my stomach to the point where I'm almost gluten intolerant/sugar intolerant. I can't have an a tasty tasty IPA without getting severely bloated. I used to drink IPAs religiously. I can have a 9% Imperial stout with no effect. One IPA and I'm toast.
  3. Absolutely awful. 5 g and 50 g make the movie your watching in your head go from Dumb and Dumber to Event Horizon.
  4. You haven't lived until you've eaten a 50 mg gummy to clean the kitchen and 2 hours later you're leaning against the refrigerator counting every single heartbeat and trying to map out a plan to get to the second floor bedroom. Then waking up the next day still high as a kite.. a friend told me this.
  5. Duxbury Helping Duxbury Facebook group was my kryptonite. "does anyone have a good recommendation for a Range Rover mechanic"
  6. Thanks. I'm on Linkedin this morning and they are feeding me political BS. That one might get deleted too.
  7. I deleted Facebook and cut the cable on TV. It's glorious. No more MSM nonsense. No political ads.
  8. lol. Our oysters are hugely effected by wild temperature swings in the fall. Really plays havoc. 3 or 4 weeks of warmer water can mean an extra million market size oysters the following summer.
  9. I thought this was the year the oaks would drop their leaves early. Seems they got a good drink and now they're as green as ever. Anyone with more foliage experience with me, could that have stalled the leaf drop? I'll be raking in February again.
  10. Fine away...I'm not wearing a mask running in the suburbs.
  11. Snow is about 5 miles away..killing me
  12. My buddy who owns Sportsworks ski shop in my town said he's never sold a touring set up before this year. He's cranking through them. The sidehill stuff will be interesting.
  13. huh, so the world doesn't revolve around me.
  14. I'm curious how far the down sales are on IKON or Epic. I normally get one and am not getting one. Too many variables for closures.
  15. Heading to Three Rivers Maine next weekend. My friends have been up there all month. Ton of birds
  16. Power keeps going out in Duxbury. Wonder if branches that were hanging are now dropping onto power lines.
  17. 1/2 mile from my house looks like a tornado came through. Can't get down the streets because the fire department has them blocked off. Leveled.
  18. Duxbury is a warzone. Power came back on at 2am. Trees on houses all over town
  19. I got 2400 yen per kilo for my fish last night in toyusu. Roughly 10.35 /lb back to the dealer. So take out expenses and profit to the broker $4.50/lb to me.
  20. The market is really depressed. Japan has lockdowns and the 2 biggest US markets are new york and LA. First fish $5/lb so around $2k second one should be on auction in Japan tonight. Normall these would be $10/lb
  21. Got another 575 on Thursday.
  22. Offshore ledge in Newport. Picture was from a couple years ago.
  23. Thought to be the biggest wave ever surfed on the east coast.
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