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Everything posted by amarshall

  1. Played Fenwick in Old Saybrook CT yesterday. Probably one of the prettiest municipal golf courses in the Northeast. My inlaws are in Old Lyme so I've been playing here for 20 years. It used to be in horrible condition and they've brought it back to remarkable condition.
  2. Can't wait https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2021/03/26/lawn-mowing-simulator-revealed-as-a-new-title-from-skyhook-games-and-curve-digital/
  3. If you want to go for a drive race point beach p-town
  4. No red mulch in Weymo? They're going to revoke your membership.
  5. We We have a bear on the South Shore right now. EPOs have been letting him do his thing. People in coastal towns are not used to seeing them so they're calling 911. He's been ranging between Scituate and Duxbury. Saw yoga pants and he's come back twice now to Duxbury.
  6. If you're golfing in Maine played Toddy Brook in Yarmouth on Wednesday. Fantastic course. Really nice condition .
  7. I got rid of cable. I refuse to watch network news. Cut off Facebook in november. Instragram only for cars boats and female anatomy. Twitter for stocks and weather, delete any political content immediately. Once you can cut yourself off from the cancer that is media your mental well being increases 200% Media has pushed covid for ratings which in turn has pushed public policy which nearly crippled this country permanently.
  8. 7-10 kiss of death. Deep South shore where thunderstorms go to die .
  9. Getting porked south of you. Everything keep drying up
  10. This is a traditional protein based vaccine that doesn't require super freezing. Not a rushed through mrna vaccine with no long term studies. I got the mrna shots because I was required to for work. I would have waited for NVAX
  11. I've been saying until I was blue in the face wait for NVAX. More effective and safer than MRNA and PFE https://finance.yahoo.com/m/a4e52384-87dc-32b0-8d93-88a92ce1e223/novavax-reports-covid-19.html
  12. Big bass today in Cape Cod Bay
  13. Lots of people in my town love socialist policies while living in $2 million homes.
  14. Second moderna shot yesterday around 4pm. Woke up hungover today. Hoping I don't get crushed.
  15. The South shore where storms go to die.
  16. Storms in scituate. By the time they get here death
  17. From the people that enjoy masks and sitting alone in their houses.
  18. 3-6 mm heavy blowing and drifting lollis to 8 .
  19. Eerily quiet on the south shore. Charter boats are running to billingsgate shoals in Wellfleet to find the fish .
  20. The never ending pine pollen season continues. 4 weeks and counting. Within 10 minutes of washing a car coated in yellow. .
  21. F all of these hedge funds who naked short stocks artificially driving retail share prices down.
  22. After 4" of rain, complete and utter pollen devastation resumes. Washed all of the decks this weekend. Just went out to my car and it's completely yellow. Week 3 of suffering. Never remember more than a week of this.
  23. Is it me or does pine pollen last longer than normal. Since we've been in our house we used to have a 3-5 day pine pollen season. Now it's 1-2 weeks. Sheets and sheets every day for weeks on end. Is there scientifically any variability in this?
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