Most of Massachusetts shellfish still closed to commercial harvest as of this morning. Some small areas open but the big areas tested really high this weekend for fecal coliform .
Originally on Eastern, Not a met, can read minimal weather models. Here for Phineas's covid banter.
42/ Duxbury/ White male, 2.2 kids, white picket fence
I have 1000 mg CBD that's a godsend as a sleep aid. I took a 30 mg edible to clean the kitchen end end up tasting oxygen and had to remind myself to breathe every heartbeat. That did not end well. I was still under the influence the next day.
My friends will put down a 50 mg drink while playing golf and have a nice conversation and shoot sub 80. I'd be asleep on the green.
We've had Bartlett in Hanover come out.
[email protected]
Abraham Monahan
ISA Certified Arborist NE-6712A
Bartlett Tree Experts
149 Winter Street, Hanover MA
781 829 9149 O | 508 509 6785 C |
yeah I got the triclopyr 4 online. Came in a package with a giant skull and crossbones. Used 6 oz per 2 gallons. Absolutely destroys crab grass and poison ivy. Within hours.
Killed everything within a 3 block radius. I read online about people being more selective with it and using gloved hands and a surfectant to manually apply it to each weed.
Update from Marshfield: 1 without power because they unplugged the lamp. Marshfield fair canceled tonight, no fried oreos. Winds decreased to 6 knots with near mist-out. Heavy Rainbow warning still in effect. .