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About Seminole

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    St. George Island, FL

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  1. Climate Change has happened before and will happen again. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medieval_Warm_Period https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0959683617693898?journalCode=hola https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maunder_Minimum#:~:text=The Maunder Minimum occurred within,believed to be volcanic activity.
  2. I thought that once we are inside 48 hours the Hurricane Models are preferred over the global models.
  3. Change their tidy whities after what they just witnessed.
  4. Here in the panhandle if you have an older home that is not on pilings you are looking at 40K annually to insure. That is why most are uninsured.
  5. It always amazed me how many homes near the Tampa coast are not on pilings. Luck as it seems may have finally run out.
  6. Kind of like building a nuclear power plant next to the Pacific Ocean knowing you live on one of the worlds most active fault zones.
  7. As someone who lives on a barrier island, I was always amazed at how many homes in Tampa are not on pilings and how they have got away with that for so many years. I suspect that if the worst case happens and their homes are 49% destroyed or more they will be required to have pilings with a rebuild.
  8. That was recorded in the Caribbean. I was on the Wright weather board early that morning when that pressure was recorded.
  9. That would be a record for the GOM.
  10. I believe Allen in 1980 is the lowest ever recorded in the GOM at 909.
  11. Other states will not be immune to those ridiculous rate increases. Hurricane warnings were issues well inland (Macon GA.) for Helene. Those rates increases will be felt well inland and beyond coastal communities.
  12. That track goes right over MacDill AFB. A lot of middle east support assets with SOCOM.
  13. What is the top end potential with Milton ramping up so quickly. Sub 900?
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