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Everything posted by snowstormcanuck

  1. Subforum wars. Good to know some things never change. lol
  2. I think your average person correlates the harshness of a winter with snowcover and cold. I'll get a lot of raised eyebrows in April when I drop my "actually, it was a snowy than normal winter" into conversations.
  3. Up to almost 30" on the season. Aside from November, not much of a winter for cold or snowcover, but you can't complain so far about total snowfall.
  4. Probably close to 4" here. Just shoveled the driveway and already re-covered. Based on radar, finishing in the 5-7" range seems pretty much a lock. Nice little mini-storm.
  5. Coming down at 1"/hr right now. I was going to take the under on the forecasted 6", but we could make a run.
  6. Interesting. I know it's an arid climate, which is rare for the Caribbean. Not expecting much rain.
  7. LMAO, you haven't changed one bit. You know we're at ~22" for the season, which either at or slightly above normal? Going to Aruba tomorrow for a week; enjoy this nonsense.
  8. If you know the info off by heart, what's CLE's least snowiest winter?
  9. Moving back to London on Thursday Alan. That'll be sure to worsen your already bad luck.
  10. Hope you and the new little one are doing well! :)

  11. OL lives in Montreal.

  12. Can somebody provide me with the date of the December 1989 "bust"? I want to review it on the PSU NARR site.
  13. Glad you found this place!

  14. You must be glad you're in Texas. Far removed from all that snow that you hate. :whistlesmileyguy:

  15. You're my favorite sport.

  16. Hey, isn't your screen name a bit of an oxymoron? ;)

  17. YOU FOUND US! THANK CHRIST! Wouldn't be winter without you. :)

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