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About DeepSouthSC

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Elgin, SC

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  1. I recalled it rained all morning throughout most of the afternoon here in the Midlands of SC until around 3pm when all of a sudden it started snowing. It quickly went from a moderate to heavy snow. It looked like a chicken truck had crashed as the flakes were fat and heavy. When it all ended we had about 6" of snow and it took awhile before it melted. We missed an entire week of work.
  2. Awwww, man! Don't get me started on those trite and exaggerated colloquialisms used for snowing rates, lol. A couple more that's used regularly are "puking" and "ripping." I don't care if it's actually snowing heavily or lightly, those sayings are rather annoying. I just noticed Panther Justin basically stated verbatim, lol.
  3. It's been nearly 4 years since we've had accumulating snow, but it has snowed two or three times since we've last had accumulating snowfall in March of 2017.
  4. It's amazing how some of y'all still fluctuate run to run whether good or bad.
  5. I'm kinda familiar with several timeframes and dates, but gonna hit the hay. I may be able to help guide you.
  6. You may have gotten more last winter. But on average or say in the past 10 years........ Not at all.
  7. CAE can be somewhat of a screwzone, but some of this stuff is overplayed. Columbia has had snow in the past 5 years. There's been snow (nothing measurable) a couple times during the past two winters. It's going on 5 years since Columbia has had any measurable snow, though.
  8. Did they mention anything about duration? I'm guessing it'd be only an hour or two of snow, if it did come fruition. If it's an ULL, then one never knows how it'll transpire.
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