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Everything posted by CarlislePaWx

  1. High temp today here was 91.9. High here yesterday was 93.2. High on the 5th was also 93.2 while the high on the 4th was 90.0. That's 4 in a row for me. I'll have to go and check but I must be getting close to 10 days exceeding 90 this year. Was treated to a pop up storm with heavy rain about 2 hours ago that quickly deposited 0.51". For the first 7 days of this month my precip total is 2.48". All grass is solid green again. YTD precip total up to 18.32", which is roughly about 3" below normal. That's a 50% reduction in the YTD deficit from only a week ago.
  2. Highest dew point of the year right now with temp of 83.5 and dew point of 73 with a heat index of 90. Yesterday's dew point maxed out at 72 right after the rain shower hit around 4:00 and quickly dumped 0.16" of rain.
  3. I guess I've been on the luckier side for precip totals. Thursday = 0.15"; Friday = 0.64"; Saturday (today so far) = 0.66" for a 3-day total of 1.55". My brown grass has rapidly greened up. My high yesterday was only 62.6 with a low of 56.2. The high temp was nearly 20 degrees below normal for the date. Today it has warmed up to 67.3 for the current high. Right now it's just overcast with no rain falling. Meso charts aren't showing too much more going out to Monday with only an additional 0.3". We'll see about that.
  4. That part I remember well. I don't think any of us had ever seen that much forecast ever over us. Certainly there was the usual "throw it out", but NAM was king for that one.
  5. Wow...my apologies. I guess this is what happens when you are in 60s...lol
  6. Do I have the date wrong? Jan 23rd was the following Saturday. Hmmm. I'm sure someone here can verify this.
  7. Saturday, January 16, 2016 I received 35" of snow making it the biggest single snowstorm accumulation of my life. (I was 57 at the time). I think temps were mainly in the low 20s, but I can't remember that as well.
  8. Skies are much bluer this morning, finally. I know the smoke might return, but hopefully not for a while. It's 77 degrees now with a dewpoint of 50. Still dry! Picked up 0.06" late yesterday afternoon, but it didn't last long. Low this morning was 47.7...another low in the 40's. Month-to-date precip a plaltry 0.15". YTD 13.18". That's at least 5" below normal.
  9. 3 Hours ago my dewpoint was 47. I just looked at my station. Temp 75, RH 29%, dewpoint 36 !!! It dropped 11 degrees in 3 hours. Incredible. My low this morning was a nippy 44.1 degrees. As for smoke in my area...it is just as the models show it. West of MDT the concentration drops off dramatically. Worst was yesterday midday. I could see the light haze all around and could smell it faintly. Will be interesting to see what happens over the next 24-36 hours. I think I haven't seen the dewpoint above 60 more than 3 or 4 times this entire season thus far. The low dewpoints in summertime I love. It gives us cool morning lows in the 50s. Like others have already stated here...dewpoints in the 30s in June are crazy!
  10. Add me to the list of smoke smellers. Took the dog out about 45 minutes ago and immediately could smell it. Nothing intense, for sure, but noticeable. 2 years ago when we vacationed up in Alaska, our last day there in Fairbanks was like nothing I had ever seen before. This was not a surprise to locals as with relative frequency forest fires create a lot of smoke. It's enough to shut down motels and resorts. We woke up to it out our window. It had arrived overnight. It was like dense fog but with an odor. I'm curious to see how bad/dense it gets later tomorrow.
  11. Before today, it was 14 days ago on May 20th I recorded 0.11" of rainfall.
  12. The storm is going to miss to my south. Might even miss Mt. Holly. York Springs looks like a target unless is does a vanishing act. Hey, I picked up 0.09" of much needed rain. At least I got something. I'm pretty sure I've never seen 3 consecutive severe thunderstorm warnings over only a 3-hour period. In every one of them Carlisle was on the edge of the box in different directions.
  13. Unless it expands to its northwest, it's going to just miss me to the south, hitting Mt. Holly. But the purple on the radar is wild.
  14. Unbelievable! Your storm now, but I got a little surprise action with a cell that rapidly formed right over me. Picked up a quick 0.09". I wonder if I will see any of your storm??
  15. This storm is performing the great vanishing act. Talk abut rapid weakening. What's left of it is rapidly disappearing. Now I wouldn't be surprised if I get zippo out of it. The winds are beginning to rustle the trees as the sinking air approaches. It is getting a little darker.
  16. Well, forget what I just said. NWS just cancelled the warning as the storm continues to weaken (again!). I'll be happy to get 0.10" of rain now.
  17. It's sliding down the western side of the warning box. Doesn't look severe anymore although I'm certainly expecting some wind gusts to 30 and if I'm lucky...a quick 0.25" of rain. The storm is approaching the summit of Blue Mountain, along Rt. 34, and will be crossing into Cumberland county shortly. It will be interesting to see if NWS issues a new box that keeps me in it on the northern side and extends SSW towards Adams.
  18. Yeah, and it's doing what the previous one, diminishing and becoming less severe. Center of the storm is right over Newport at 6:19pm.
  19. I'm under the second severe thunderstorm warning within the past 2 hours. The first one passed just to my west, and was also diminishing while doing so. Had echoes over me for about 10 minutes but nothing fell from the skies. This second one looks nastier and is coming south southwestward from eastern Perry. I am at the extreme southern end of the warning box. This one looks to have a better chance at a "hit". I don't think I'm ready for 60mph winds and 1.5" ping pong ball sized hail. That's pretty large for these parts. I don't think I've ever seen anything over 3/4". The warning says that people and pets outdoors will be injured by that large hail. We'll see. Still have about 20-25 minutes until it is scheduled to arrive. Temp down to 78 after a high a few hours ago of 88, which was way above the forecast high of 79.
  20. Yesterday saw my first 90+ reading for the year at 90.7 degrees. Overnight low was 52.7. Now sitting at 84.2. Should easily eclipse 90 this afternoon. Yesterday I also saw one of my largest diurnals I've ever recorded of 46 degrees with a low of 44.7 and a high of 90.7. Huge diurnals are way more common in the wintertime. Although, within the last month or so I've probably seen 4 or 5 40-degrees diurnals. No doubt the dryness with cool morning lows is a contributor.
  21. I'm 63, turning 64 in October. Pretty sure @mahantango#1 is not the oldest. I remember a post awhile back from a guy in his 70's, but I think is a rare poster. BTW, month-to-date precip here in central Cumberland county is just 0.38". I got 0.11" over the weekend, and that was after sitting at 0.27" for a couple of weeks.
  22. 30 minutes ago it was sunny and 70 degrees. Then dark clouds rolled in and dropped it to 61. I checked the radar, and to my amazement, there are lake effect bands coming down from my northwest. Even bands making it all the way east to NJ! More crazy stuff. I'm still running my heat at night into early morning. If lows drop down into the low to mid 40's, the heat will continue to run.
  23. 26.1 degrees for my low this morning. Exactly what was shown from your RGEM map. So, the GFS gives us a mini heat wave later this week, and then completely reverses course and sends us back down to the 30's. Wow. Regardless, it looks like a string of beautiful days upcoming for the first half of this week. Normal high for me on the 14th is 62 with a low of 38. On the 19th it has risen to 64/40. So, 20+ above for the highs, but less than 10 below (departures) for the lows. Happy Easter everyone!
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