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Everything posted by CarlislePaWx

  1. 13" (Kuchera) or 11" (10 to 1) by 1:00am Tuesday at end of run. I think it's done by then over us. Right inside Mag's 8-14" range.
  2. Nice so far. 9" by 7:00AM Monday. I think that's before the coastal?
  3. Haha. Records ARE made to be broken, right? No one ever said I had to wait 25 years to see it again.
  4. Hahaha Joe! When I read that I thought about posting this >>>>>
  5. Boy what an image to wake up to! Even zoomed in I can barely see that I appear to be in the bullseye with that purple color, which looks like it begins around 36"? Of course the very first storm this looks like is Jan 2016 where I received 35" which was the single biggest storm of my life. I know this is going to change! It's just nice to see that the north trend we all were expecting 48 hours ago when the bullseye was down in northern Virginia has materialized. Hard to believe this is Thursday and we have to wait until Sunday for it to begin.
  6. From what I'm seeing GFS says 6" from the primary, and that's all by 7:00pm Sunday evening. Then there's 0.2" of ZR, then a whopping 2" more from the coastal/back around.
  7. Well, somewhat encouraging is that NWS has dropped any mention of a mix/zr and now is all snow start to finish. They also lowered the high temp on Monday from 36 to 34. I predict that temp will keep going down and will remain below 32 for the high temp on Monday.
  8. You mean the GFS is moving towards the Euro solution, or the GFS is looking just like its previous run?
  9. This is unbelievable if it plays out with this long duration. It starts snowing at 7:00AM Sunday morning and doesn't end until 12:00PM on TUESDAY! Folks...that's 53 hours. I think the longest storm of my life was 36 hours in January 1996. I've never seen anything last this long. WOW. Oh yeah, the 14" of snow is pretty nice too...lol.
  10. Haha. That total forecast comes to a range of 112-144" in less than 72 hours!
  11. Eastern PA is close to 2'. But, MDT gets 16" and YOU get 18-20" while I get only 8"...lol. The map is very weird with distribution. But, you also missed 25" in central Lebanon County.
  12. Prior snow map was the control. Here's the mean:
  13. @Voyager Thanks for the video. I happened to tune in about 1 minute before that several miles long train passed by. Meanwhile the wet snow kept changing intensity with even some heavy rates briefly. I took a look at your Flagstaff video also. Flagstaff averages over 100 inches of snow per season, up at 7000+ feet elevation. I visited Flagstaff back in the mid 90's. Drove up from Kingman.
  14. I will record 0.1" of snow today (maybe more if I get more sleet) because that heavy sleet shower easily measured more than a trace. I think most everyone around here knows that the NWS treats sleet the same as snow for measuring purposes.
  15. I have a small metal ruler that I can use for anything up to 6". After that I switch to my 1 meter snow stick (NWS approved because I got it from them). The rulers are ticked down to 0.1" increments. Once I have more than 0.05" it goes from a trace up to 0.1". A trace is anything from flurries that amount to nothing on the ground, on up to a literal dusting.
  16. It just started pouring sleet mixed with a little freezing rain. A heavy sleet shower for several minutes. Enough to hear a good crunch walking on it. Temp 30.0 and slowly rising. Final snowfall was 0.2" which melted down to 0.06". A little bit of sleet made it into the gauge before I brought it inside which might be slightly inflating the liquid equivalent. For the time being the snow that fell last night is still keeping the ground white.
  17. Well, I went outside again to look at my snowboard and to my amazement another 0.1" had fallen over the past 2 hours! (lol). I'm probably not going to know if any more falls before the mix since any sleet that falls will compact the tiny amount of snow. But, it's nice to see the ground "white" maybe for the next 12 hours before it melts. Temp has dropped almost 0.5 degree over the past hour and is now at its low of 28.8 degrees.
  18. I wish I could offer you some hope but after barely a ground-whitening 0.1" it's already coming to an end. I still have a fine mist of snow falling but nothing that will add to the total. Oh well, here's hoping for this Sunday. I don't understand how the HRRR can be so wrong when it's only going out less than 6 hours? It flat-out busted!
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