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Everything posted by CarlislePaWx

  1. Here in Carlisle, approaching 12 noon, my temperature is creeping up oh so slowly to 37.4 The high for the day occurred after midnight at 39.9 while my low before dawn had dropped to 33.4. I've had a whopping 0.03" of rainfall so far bringing my monthly total up to 0.61". I agree with everyone else regarding the consistent reductions in storm totals for rain events. 24 hours ago my p-n-c added up to between 0.75" and 1.00" by late tonight. Last night it had dropped to 0.50" total, and right now it's calling for a tenth to a quarter this afternoon followed by less than a tenth tonight. The new total range is now between 0.15" and 0.30". Oh well, I'm waiting for the rain to wash away the salt in my driveway. I can't remember seeing this much salt before (at least the last 5 winter seasons).
  2. I would like to thank @Itstrainingtimefor his earlier post(s) about starting a banter thread. I'm also surprised that you remembered that it was I who first made that suggestion either sometime last year or the year before. I have held my peace this season because I know that my active participation is not year round. Thus, I know that there would be a least a few who feel that I don't really have a right to make that kind of suggestion. My angst over the past 6-8 weeks or so has not been about political posts, which at most have contributed to maybe a few percent of all posts. Clearly, the problem was, and continues to be, with the 95%+ posts that were sports-related. I'm not exaggerating when I say that literally there have been hundreds of posts. I mean, a few weeks ago there were over 40 posts in a row that were sports talk. Well, for one thing not everyone in this subforum is into sports. But, it's not even about that. It's the point that this is a weather-based forum, and we are a weather-based subforum. There are more than enough sports forums out there on the interwebs online to keep you satisfied until the cows come home. What is so horrible about having a second thread for talking about anything else? If you don't want it cluttered with topics that are not sports, then make it a sports-only banter thread. Finally, I believe I have the most incredible, simple solution to this ongoing problem. It's called a second browser tab. All you have to do is open that tab and then point it at the sports/banter thread. You can place the two tabs right next to each other. And, best of all, it would only take a few milliseconds to switch between our weather-only thread and the sports thread. Why is it so important to include posts that are off-topic? I hope that some of you realize that I'm being just a tad facetious here. I'm sorry for being long-winded. Most of you know that many of my posts (this one included) are typically more than a sentence or two. I'm a detailed-oriented individual who has a difficult time speaking without details. So, that's it from me regarding this whole ongoing controversy. @Bubbler86, you made a comment about having others put you on ignore in order to keep off-topic posts from you being visible. If I did that I would lose all of your weather posts, which are many, and that I look forward to reading each day. I hope that everyone here will heed @Itstrainingtime's advice and start posting non weather-related topics primarily outside of our collective, beloved, weather community.
  3. My low here this morning was 11.8 and my low yesterday morning was 12.7. I still have about 3" solid snowcover in my north-facing backyard. In my south-facing frontyard patches of bare spots have started to appear, especially after yesterday's balmy high of 44.2. I would estimate that 85-90% of the front yard still has at least one inch of cover. Concerning the earlier post from @Itstrainingtime, regarding the use of the word "breezy" in the nws forecasts, while I don't know the precise value, it is the sustained wind, not the wind gusts that determines the use of "breezy". I believe the threshold is sustained speeds of 20-25 mph. When the sustained wind is forecast to exceed 30 mph the adjective changes to "windy". The gust speeds and the frequencies of reaching these values are what is used to determine wind advisories and high wind warnings. I think that frequent gusts over 40mph qualify for a wind advisory while frequent gusts over 50mph+ qualify for a high wind warning. Please don't hold me to precise values for any of the wind speeds. I'm pretty sure the values I mentioned are at least "close" to the correct figures.
  4. I wonder if it will be the coldest January since 1994? or perhaps 2015? I haven't looked at the current data, so I'm guessing MDT will come in 3.5 - 4.0 degrees BN. If I don't record any more precipitation the rest of this month, it will almost certainly be the driest January I've ever personally recorded. I've only had 0.58" of liquid for the month. It's only been 3 months since the driest October and for any month I've had with just 0.43". I'll have to see if that was all melted snow or if it rained at all near the beginning of the month. It's been so long I can't remember!
  5. These "sudden" colder temperatures at MDT are remarkable. I'm used to them almost always being warmer than me. Well my high today was 32.2 and my low was 7.0, making MDT 2 degrees colder in both high and low temps. The frozen river really must be having an effect on their temps as others have postulated.
  6. Just before 1:00am I am 5 degrees below my forecast low of 13 at 8.1 F. I'm not expecting zero or even below for a 4th consecutive night. My dewpoint is currently +4 F so I'll pick +4 to +5 for my overnight low. My high earlier today (yesterday) was 23.7 F. It really doesn't look like I've lost much snow cover from my front lawn, which faces south. If I get up close to 30 on Friday I'll definitely lose some from the front. However, my backyard has lost virtually nothing since Sunday since the majority of the yard faces north and gets almost no sun still in late Jan.
  7. I've just cracked the 20 degree mark for the first time in 85 hours.
  8. I was zero degrees at midnight and hung out around there for most of the night until near 6:00am when i dropped below zero down to -4 at 7:30am. Amazing 3 nights in a row. I'm back up to +5 F now with clear skies and sunshine and almost no wind.
  9. Well, I honestly did not expect to go below zero for a third straight night. However, currently (at 10:50pm) under clear skies and calm winds my temperature has dropped to -0.4 degrees F. I'm actually ahead of last night in the race to the bottom. My backup station is currently reading -1.1 F. The stations are located roughly 20 feet apart in my backyard. Both temperature sensors are 6 feet off the ground, so I consider both readings valid although my primary station has been the one with the slightly higher lows. My forecast for tonight was for mostly cloudy skies and a low of +4 F. I'm thinking the most likely thing to hamper the radiation would be clouds to roll in at some point before dawn. As of now I'll place my predicted low in between this morning's -9.8 and Tuesday morning's -3.6 and go for a low of -6.0. Assuming I remain below zero at midnight and record a low temp below zero, this will be the longest continuous stretch of sub-zero low's I've ever recorded at 3. The only other possible date this might have happened that I can't remember would be January 1994. But it seems to me that I only had 2 nights. Other than 1994 I know I've never had more than one consecutive night below zero.
  10. Congrats! My low this morning was -9.8 F. This temperature is the coldest reading I have ever recorded in my life on my own weather station(s). The previous coldest reading I had recorded was -8 F which was at my home in NJ in Jan, 1994. I also recorded -8 F in Jan of 1985 at the same site. The coldest temperature that I stood outside in was at a friend's house in Haverhill, New Hampshire, which was -17 F. I think that was in Jan of 1992. I've now recorded 2 events (in the past 3 months) that were personally all-time records. The first was the driest month, which was from October, 2024 with only 0.42". The second was my low temperature today. My all-time highest temperature was 102 F, also recorded at my NJ home in July of 1977. I've recorded 101 degrees multiple times at multiple sites both in NJ and PA. Last year the highest max temperature here was 100 F.
  11. Fear not...I'm pretty sure those clouds will move out at some time during the night (according to MAG), so you should still have a shot at a plunge before sunrise.
  12. The bottom has literally dropped out from the outdoor temp. At 7:00pm I was 9 degrees. Now, one hour later I'm down to +4.3 F. That's nearly 5 degrees in just one hour. Looking to drop below this morning's low of -3.6 F. At the rate it's currently dropping I may be down to zero before midnight.
  13. Incredible lows scattered around up in the Blain (Perry County) area (and others but these stood out on Wundermap) with readings of -14 to -17 around 7:00am. This was my coldest low temperature since Jan 2018 where I got to -2. I dropped to -3.6 F degrees around 7:00am. I was already down to -2 at 3:00am and then it began fluctuating up and down several degrees either side of zero. I have a second backup sensor located about 20 feet away from my primary station and it dropped to -4.7 F. Officially I go with my main station data regardless. The -4.7 was only 1.1 degrees colder than my official -3.6 F, so it's not that big of a deal. I'm surprised to see clouds early on. That would have interfered with the lowest temperatures. Will we be able to do it again tonight or will there be winds?
  14. Hi Guys. Sorry, I forgot to enter my readings from yesterday's (Sunday's) snowfall. I had multiple measurements between 3.6" and 4.0". The snow melted down to 0.27". If I go with 4.0" and a melted amount of 0.27", that produces an SLR of 14.8 : 1. I'm afraid my board suffered from compaction despite being in the shade the entire day and temps in the upper teens. The total snowfall may very well have been 5" or even a bit more. My measurement, taken almost 24 hours after the end of the accumulating, definitely compacted, but I can't tell precisely how much compaction. Nice to see many surrounding stations reporting temps in the single digits, with even a few below zero already (as of 12:45am), such as York reading -9 F. Winds have barely played a factor so far with nothing more than occasional speeds of 2 to 4 mph. I'm currently down to +5.2 degrees F. My NWS forecast low is minus 1. I'm pretty sure I'm headed down to zero or below over the next 7 hours. I'll be back in the morning with my low temp.
  15. Down to 6.6F for my low (remotely accessed). Currently up to 7.7 F. Temps are all over the place around here. I seem to be amongst the coldest. Many readings in the teens. The winds haven't arrived yet, or I would never have dropped as low. Talk to you all later when I'm back from DC.
  16. There were no reports from me today because I was in Vermont over the weekend for a wedding of one of my nephews. Grafton was the small town. It was beautiful seeing all the frozen creeks covered in snow. It's been so long since I've seen frozen rivers, etc. Because I knew the storm was coming I was able to come back from BOS on an earlier flight that got into DCA at 3.45. Very lucky because it was still raining there as we landed, however, 15 minutes later the change over to snow hit and the snow intensity shot up so quickly. It was so heavy I couldn't find my car in the extended parking area. Easily 2"+/hr rates for a time. I'm staying over with my son in DC and will be driving back to Carlisle tomorrow morning. Based on my front doorbell camera I can estimate that at least 6" fell at my house. My snowboard should have a pretty accurate total waiting for me to measure. The intense rates didn't last all that long in DC, but I was watching a few of those intense bands on radar that passed through Carlisle. Sorry I missed that excitement. I'm thrilled for everyone else that ended up with more than expected. I'm looking forward to dropping below zero on Wednesday and Thursday mornings. A six-inch snowpack will do wonders combining with radiational cooling. That coldest temp I have ever recorded in the 24 years I've lived in the Carlisle area is -5 F, which occurred twice at two different homes. The first time was right after PD II in 2003, and the second time was after the 40" of snow I received during the first week of February of 2010. I'll be back with my update tomorrow (Monday) afternoon.
  17. Going back to today's 6Z GFS, I'm surprised there's been virtually no comments about the upcoming cold wave following just behind whatever storm hits our region Sunday afternoon and evening. The GFS takes our 500mb thickness down to below 500 decameters by Tuesday morning, bottoming out around 494 dm and then holding near 500 until early Wednesday morning. When you combine 850 temperatures of -20 to -25 C with thicknesses below 500dm you have high temperatures no higher than the low teens or even below 10 above, with lows of zero to 5 below F, not taking into account any possible wind and wind chill. The other wild thing is the Miller A later in the week bombs out, especially when reaching our latitude and on up to north of Maine. It takes a 996 low and bombs it down to an unbelievable 947mb! That's 15mb lower than the superstorm of '93. The next 2 weeks look like they're going to be wild.
  18. HI guys. I'm back with the melt down of the 0.9" of snow that fell overnight. It melted down to 0.05". This produced an SLR of 18:1. Looks like nothing more on the horizon for the next 7 days in the precip department. However, plenty of below normal temps preceded by a 2-day "thaw?" with highs in the 30's to near 40.
  19. Here in Carlisle, overnight I recorded 0.9" of new snow. (I'll have the meltdown shortly). Back on Monday (1/6) I recorded 3.0" which melted down to 0.22". That produced an SLR of 13.6 : 1. Looks beautiful out there again for the second time in only 5 days. Today marks the 5th consecutive day with more than 1" on the ground.
  20. Here in Carlisle, earlier today when the snow stopped I measured a storm total of 2.3". It remained that way until 2 hours ago when the expected second round began. Flakes were better/larger than anything that fell this morning. It was heavy for a short period of time and then settled back down to light. It's still snowing lightly at the moment with a temperature of 25.9 degrees after a high temp of 28.8 degrees. The second round deposited an additional 0.7" which brought the revised storm total to 3.0". Unless something unexpected happens it looks like accumulating snow is done here. I'll melt the snow down later this evening and post it when I have it.
  21. Here in Carlisle at 10:00, the temperature is 23.4 degrees with a dew point of 20.8 degrees and a wet bulb of 22.6 degrees. Nearly the entire previous hour the snow fell very lightly with fine flakes. During the past hour I measured an additional 0.1" of snow with a storm total of 2.1". As I am typing this the rate has picked back up again and the flake size has increased nicely. I'd estimate the rate to be 0.2" to 0.3" per hour.
  22. It just occurred to me that if the snow is fine enough the radar doesn't pick it up at all. So, maybe the big "nothing" is really some snow falling.
  23. I just took a look at the radar and saw two things: there's a huge gap of nothing about to reach my area; easily the northern third up by Williamsport is getting the goods. Incredible! Anyway, like so many of you in the last hour I also measured exactly 2.0" on the board. Also, no grass is visible, so that's a win. Rates have dropped off to just a light, very fine snow that maybe accumulates 0.1" per hour (lol). Temp is 22.8 degrees. I love snow when it's well below freezing. I'm wondering if the passage of the 500 later today will give us another burst?
  24. My point & click is showing what it showed last night which is 1" overnight Sunday into Monday followed by another 2-4 inches during Monday. That absolutely warrants a WWA. A total of 3-5" is not far away from a WSW as 5" is enough for WSW. Currently 28 degrees with a biting wind and wind chills down in the upper teens. Good portion of yesterday's snowfall still is on the ground in my backyard, which remains in the shade a good chunk of the day.
  25. At 2:30pm here in Carlisle, the snow that had been falling moderately has temporarily ended for the 2nd time. At the time of heaviest rates my temperature dropped to 29.8 (not bad for my earlier prediction of 30.0) During the past hour accumulations began in earnest on sidewalks and my snowboard. Officially I have now recorded 0.3" of snow. It was melting on the board for a good chunk of the first several hours. Where it never melted was on my grass which currently has 0.7". I like the look of the grass, however, I have to go with my "official" board measurement. With the snow temporarily having stopped my temperature has risen to 30.6 degrees. The sun's position in the sky has dropped sufficiently as to no longer be a factor in anything melting (like my sidewalks). It still looks like the best may be yet to come beginning between 4 and 5 pm. We'll see.
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