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Everything posted by CarlislePaWx

  1. 88 for me yesterday, but the dew points were low to mid 60s which made it more bearable. Low this morning 60.8. Normal low for today is 59.5. Only about 1 degree above normal for the low. Yesterday the normal high temperature was 83.1, 5 degrees above normal. Only 7 days (including today) left for the month and my rainfall has only been 1.48". Looks like it's going to stay there for at least the next few days. Only 7 days to go for the start of met fall. The next 3 months are by far my favorites for the entire year. Yes, even more than winter. Advancing age will do that to you...lol.
  2. 0.04" overnight here. 0.08" yesterday. Another dry month, just like July, with a total of 1.48". Year-to-date is 23.72". I think YTD is not that far from normal YTD.
  3. My high today was precisely 90.0 degrees with a very comfortable low of 57.4. 57.4 is the normal low (near me) for September 3rd, so only about 2 weeks ahead. 90 degrees, however, is higher than the warmest average high which is 85.8 degrees between July 12th to July 18th. September 8th is the last day that the normal high is 80.0 or higher.
  4. It might not be the last change to standard time. While the Senate voted unanimously to go permanently on Daylight Saving Time earlier this year, the House still has not approved it yet. So, as of right now, this November may not be the final change to standard time. I hope we keep switching back to standard time each fall, or possibly switch permanently to standard time all year long (my personal preference).
  5. At 12 noon my temp is a pleasantly cool 64.4 degrees. Overnight and this morning I received a very beneficial 0.74" of rain. Hoping for more later.
  6. My WU data appears correct. I'm 82/75 with a heat index of 88. Yuck!
  7. A portion of the heavy rain passed over me, but I think those east of me will get more since it was a rapidly developing storm that came out of nowhere. Rain has ended. Thunder continues. Total precip was 0.44". Currently the temperature has bottomed out at 70.9 degrees, an amazing drop of 25.5 degrees in less than 30 minutes. Impressive.
  8. I'm getting a thumderstorm now have have heavy rain, lightning, and thunder. Up to 0.26" in the past 10 minutes. Before the sun went behind the clouds from this storm I had my highest temp of the month & year at 96.4. The dew point was 76 and my heat index was 112 ! So much for no advisories or warnings. Boy it's pouring out there now. Temp has dropped over 20 degrees, down to 74. Precip 0.37" with more to come.
  9. Why is there no heat advisory issued?? Today is easily going to be worse than last week's 3-days in the mid nineties. At 10:00am I'm up to 86 with a dew point of 75 and a heat index of 94. All we need is a heat index of 100-105 for 3 hours. Maybe they think the dew points will drop back into the 60's this afternoon as the hottest temperatures begin?
  10. I remember June of 1966. I was anxiously waiting for the end of first grade. Of course there was no air conditioning. My teacher just turned off the lights and had us all lay our heads down on our desks. Really brutal heat for a good chunk of that summer. (This is in northern NJ but I'm sure it was the same out here too.)
  11. Ahhh....Green Acres. A great comedy from the (late) 60s. Remember Ahh-lee-ver?
  12. Here are my highs the past 3 days... Fri: 95.9 Sat: 95.4 Sun: 95.7 Talk about consistency. So my highest of the year remains 95.9 degrees and it doesn't look like we'll be challenging that any time soon.
  13. Yesterday was my hottest of the season with a high of 95.9 degrees. The dew point was lower yesterday, running in the mid 60's. Currently it's 95.4 and still climbing. My highs typically occur late afternoon around 5:00, so I think i'm likely to break yesterday's max. Today the dew point is in the low 70s. That's creating a heat index that has been running between 100 and 103 for the past several hours.
  14. Managed to muster up 0.30" of rain (now yesterday). Had sort of a wimpy thunderstorm with some wind ahead of the arrival and a short period of heavy rain. Not impressive at all. However, every little bit of rain is helpful. High was 90.1.
  15. 54.9 degrees for my low earlier this morning. The dew points in the 50's yesterday and today have been incredible. It doesn't get much better than this for early July! At 12:00 noon the temp is only just hitting 82 degrees. And, as others have already said, Happy Independence Day to all!
  16. Wonderful low of 53.6 this morning. Approaching 11:00am it's only back up to 71.4. Dew point 52. Another glorious day.
  17. 0.93" for today. Rained heavily for a while, but not as quickly as others have reported. High made it up to 88.
  18. I'm right there with you with my temp at 88.9. Interestingly the dew point has been dropping slowly and is now down to 64. So, heat index virtually the same as the temp.
  19. Here's a good example of the flood watch. Pretty much the central third from NY border to M/D line (and beyond into northern Virginia).
  20. Temp up to 75.6 as the sun emerged from the overcast about 30 minutes ago. I have a Flood Watch out for me until 11:00pm. Haven't looked at anything yet. It's been a pretty dry June so far with only 1.24" for the first 3/4ths. That's the polar opposite of last month with 6.78". Grass is still green here and growing.
  21. 90.9 for my high. Temp down to 80 on the way down to 60 by morning. Dew point in the last 12 hours has dropped from a morning high of 73, now down to a wonderful 53! Love it. Might have a shot at upper 40's either Sunday or Monday morning. Very refreshing indeed. Meanwhile...18z GFS develops a hurricane north of Cuba and runs it northwest through the east-central gulf coming ashore around the western panhandle of Florida with a pressure of 971 millibars, 2 weeks from today. I have to go find how what that pressure is on the saffir simpson scale. It has to be a major hurricane. Guessing between a 3 and 4. Edit>>Whoops. 971 is a Cat 2, so not even a major.
  22. I don't know about cooler, but the drier air has begun to filter in here. A few hours ago the dew point was 73. Now it's down to 66 and going down fairly fast. Temp holding at 87.3.
  23. I believe it's hail of 0.75" or greater to be a severe thunderstorm (with or without the wind gusts).
  24. Literally the western edge of the storm passed over me, but while my lightning detector has been going off like crazy...3500+ strikes in the past hour, it didn't stay over me long enough to even produce a sprinkle. This morning I had my warmest overnight low for the season-to-date at 72.1 degrees. High temp this afternoon of 84.2. Looks like some fantastic weather on tap for this weekend. Low 70's with dew points in the 40s, sunshine, with a bit of wind. But it doesn't get much better than this for early summer.
  25. Another tornado watch until 11:00pm. This is like the third one this season. Mostly cloudy and 82 here at the moment.
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