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Posts posted by CarlislePaWx

  1. 5 minutes ago, Bubbler86 said:

    That would probably push you near or over 40" for the year. 

    Me too.  At the moment YTD is 33.99", so 6.01" to hit 40".  Had an additional 0.20" overnight bringing MTD to 5.15".  That's 3 times the amount of rain that fell during the entire month of July!

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  2. August is off to a rip-roaring start with rainfall.

    Rainfall since midnight:  0.16"

    Rainfall Yesterday:  2.73"

    Rainfall month-to-date:  4.93"

    Rainfall Year-to-date:  33.77", which is more than 10" ahead of last year at the same time with 23.5".

    Yesterday's rainfall came with two different thunderstorms.  The first occurred between 5:30 and 7:00pm with 1.70".  The second one was the most intense one with 1.03" falling between 9:45 and 10:30pm.

    The latest NHC cone for Debby has her passing directly over south-central PA Friday afternoon.  I think I'll easily pick up another 5" between now and Saturday morning, making this month a 10"+.  Someone mentioned a 10 inch event back in 2018.  I'm pretty sure I had between 9.5" and 10.5", but I thought the month was September?  Then, the most dramatic 10"+ month before that was back in June of 2011 when I picked up close to 10" in just one day!  That one is my #1 greatest precip day (24 hours) of my lifetime.

    I'll drop in with more updates as we progress to Friday.



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  3. High temp exactly 100.0 degrees about 45 minutes ago (4:15), then some clouds came in and sent the temp back down to 98.6.  The sun's been back for awhile but temp is very slow to respond.  Only back up to 99.0.  I'm leaning towards not exceeding 100.0 again today.  I think it's been a few years at least since I last recorded 100.  Before today I had reached 98-99 on at least 4 or 5 days so far this summer.  Sun's still out but temp drop to 98.2.

  4. Wow!! The isolated thunderstorm that just rolled through my area (heading east towards MDT) was unreal.  My temp started off at 93 degrees and proceeded to fall to 73 degrees within 15 minutes.  The winds started howling and the rain was coming down like a hurricane.  Then, pea size hail began to hit the ground.  Then the sun came out but it was still storming with heavy rain and winds.  I really don't think I've ever witnessed this type of event before.  It went through so quickly that I only recorded 0.31" of rain.  Everything has finally settled down to light rain and almost no wind.  Whoever gets this storm, get ready for a wild ride!

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  5. Hi Guys.  Tonight's weather is worthy of a report from me.  I just had a one-hour long torrential thunderstorm with rates approaching 5"/hour.  Between 10:10pm and 11:10pm I picked up 2.25".  I recorded 0.15" in a thunderstorm back around 6:30.  Total for today now at 2.47".  It has finally calmed back down to light rain as the real heavy stuff is now off to my east.  Up until yesterday I had only recorded 0.79" for the entire month.  After all the 90's from last week and again today with a high of 94, all my grass has browned up.  This rainfall tonight is very beneficial.  My month-to-date rainfall total now stands at 3.27" and my year-to-date total is 26.77".

    I forgot to mention that my highest temperature of the year so far was recorded back on Saturday (6/22) with a blistering high of 99.3 degrees.  Yuck!

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  6. Here in Carlisle the high temperature exceeded 70 degrees for the first time this year with a high of 71.2 degrees.  The low this morning was a cold 36.0 degrees.  Diurnal range of 35.2 degrees.  I'm not quite ready to shoot into the 70's when my normal high is 48 and normal low is 27 for today's date.

  7. What an afternoon!  I've had 3 separate snow squalls fly through here on pretty stiff winds.  This 3rd one, which ended about 5 minutes ago, was easily the heaviest with the lowest visibility of about a quarter mile.  My snowboard got enough accumulation for me to call it 0.1".  The first squall came through around 2:00 with probably the strongest wind gusts of over 30mph and the snow blowing around wildly.  That one was interesting because nearly all of the snow fell as snow pellets.  That one lasted long enough to whiten the ground / mulch.  The middle squall was the weakest, but still was accompanied by gusty winds and briefly heavy snow.  The temps were in the low 40's when the snow began but dropped to 34 during #1, and #3 dropped down to 33.  Looking at the radar it looks like more squalls may be on the way.  What a shock after 60's last week!

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  8. Well, the snow squall just flew through here about 15 minutes ago.  While the winds were briefly blowing 20 mph the snow was flying around like a blizzard.  Temp went from 34 at the start to 29.1 in about 15 minutes.  That 29.1 tied my low from this morning.  No accumulations.  I love squalls because you can typically see them coming from miles away.  I was out walking my dog with the sun shining.  Half-way through the walk I noticed dark clouds off to my northwest, getting closer and closer.  I was back inside for maybe 5 minutes before the squall got underway.  If you aren't driving on a highway, squalls are an exciting part of wintertime weather.

    At 2:49 blue skies have returned with the sun and everything looks like nothing happened.  Temp back up to 30.7 with the sun out.

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  9. Good morning folks!  In Carlisle it is 31.3 degrees and windy.  Since midnight I recorded an additional 2.0" for a storm total of 2.3".  The 2.3" melted down to 0.17" of qpf.  This produced an SLR of roughly 13:1.  I hate to say it but misery loves company.  As I read through all of the posts since 1:00am, many of you recorded amounts similar to mine (<3").  Like everyone else, it stuck to everything except the sidewalks and the street.  The snow looked like it had compacted some despite a temperature of 29-30 degrees during the storm.  Congrats to the band winners.  Those totals of 6, 8, and a few 10" amounts were incredible.  With the 2.3", when combined with the Mon/Tue event of 5.8" I have had a total of 8.1" for the week.  That's not all that far from my entire season last winter!  My total for the entire season to date now stands at 19.8".  On to the next one...

    • Like 1
  10. At midnight, here in Carlisle the temperature was 31.8 degrees with a dew point of 30.6 degrees and  a wet bulb of 31.3.  As of midnight the snowfall had not accumulated any further from the 11:00 obs.  So, for the date, yesterday, 2/16 I recorded a total of 0.3".  This was also the storm total thus far.  My melted snow produced 0.02" of water.  I'm not calculating an SLR because the melted snow was less than 1 inch.  Just before midnight the intensity was beginning to ramp up again with larger flakes, but still only light snow.  More at 1:00am.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Jonesy56 said:

    I guess we lucked out with that initial band extending from west of the river over this way. Already 2” on the deck here52595de649e0cc891ecec5db64e14b87.jpg


    Well I guess that band somehow skipped over me on its way to you.  At midnight I only had recorded 0.3".  The rates were ramping back up again slowly so we'll see what falls during this next hour.  Congrats.  You're only 1" away from verifying the 3" minimum for the WSW.  (I'm being a little facetious).

    • Haha 1
  12. The snow began here in Carlisle around 10:00pm or so.  By 10:45 only grass and mulch had accumulated (and my board).  All sidewalks and my street were just wet.  The temperature was 35 degrees when the snow started.  It did not start as rain.  However, this first little batch was just as wet as Mon/Tue.  There was a brief steadier period between 10:45 and 11:00.  At 11:00 the new snow and storm total for this event had accumulated 0.3".  The snow also stuck to the shrubs and trees.  By 11:15 the intensity let up to just flurries.  The temp has just dropped to 32.0 in the last 10 minutes.  The lowest the temp dropped to Tuesday morning was 32.2 F.

    I'll be back shortly with my midnight readings.  If this storm manages to reach 5.0" or above, it will be the third event of this season with 5"+.

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  13. Back at 10:00 on NWS disco they seemed to indicate that WWA's were more likely in the current watch area.  We're only 7 hours away from the start and they haven't updated the watch.  I wonder if in the back office there is a war going on between METS on which decision to make??

  14. Good morning all.  After a snow-induced, radiational cooling night I managed to drop down to 15.1 degrees this morning.  Coldest temperature of this month so far.  With filtered sunshine I'm back up to 33.1 at 10:49am.  I still have complete snow cover both in my back yard (which faces north) and in my front yard (which faces south).  Looking forward to tomorrow night's event.

    I wanted to take a moment to clarify the conversation earlier between @Bubbler86and @Blizzard of 93 and the different maps.  Bliz frequently posts two surface maps that are 3 hours apart.  In this case he was showing hour 57 in the first and hour 60 in the second.  Because the time interval is 3 hours and not 6 hours, it leads to confusion because each map is showing the accumulated precip for the preceding 6 hours (not 3).  That creates an overlap of 3 hours where hour 57 is showing precip from hour 51 through hour 57, while the hour 60 map is showing total precip between hour 54 and hour 60.  If you don't look closely you could easily think that the second map is showing new, additional precip to add to the first map, thus the confusion.  The 3-hour interval between the 2 maps is great for showing the movement of the "L" and how quickly or not quickly it is moving.  I saw Bliz say that WB also gives precip maps with 3-hour intervals.  Lining up the precip interval with the time interval removes any confusion.

    Bubbler's Pivotal map(s) is not the same depiction because it is showing the preceding 6-hour average of the precip intensity, not accumulated precip.  If you want to see what is happening at the timestamp of that map you would want to post the composite reflectivity map of the timestamp.  Then you accurately know where the snow has ended as of the timestamp hour.

    Finally, the Tropical TIdbits map from Bubbler is the map of the averaged 6-hour precip intensity/rate.  The accumulated precip during the map interval is not shown.  You would need to take the intensity range of that map and estimate the true qpf for each time interval.

    I hope this is not confusing.  And, of course, if I have made a mistake with the info above, feel free to correct me.

    • Thanks 2
  15. At 9:00am here in Carlisle the temperature is 33.6 degrees and beginning to rise.  The back edge of the snow has just reached me and I'm down to flurries.  During the past hour an additional 0.2" of snow has accumulated, giving a storm total of 5.8".  I'm going to melt down the snow and then I'll at least know the entire liquid equivalent of the rain + snow.  I'm thinking I'll estimate an SLR of 8:1 which would give the melted snow water content of 0.73".  I'll be back to give the final total melted equivalent in the next hour.

  16. At 8:30am in Carlisle, the temperature is 32.7 degrees.  It is still snowing moderately, but in the process of ending.  Radar shows the back edge about 15 miles to my west.  Only picked up an additional 0.2" for a storm total of 5.8".  I'll take a final measurement at 9:00.

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  17. At 8:00 here in Carlisle, the temperature is 32.5 degrees.  It continues to snow heavily.  During the past hour I picked up an additional 0.8" of new snow for a storm total of 5.6".  Lots of trees have many branches weighed down considerably.  When the wind arrives it should blow at least half off with the rest melting during the day.  Great storm...but SHORT again!

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  18. Just before 7:00am here in Carlisle, it is snowing heavily.  The temperature is 32.2 degrees.  As of 6:45 I have recorded 4.5" of new snow for a storm total of 4.5".  Unfortunately, I could not stay up or get up for the changeover, but I am estimating close to an inch of rain had fallen before the changeover.  It was raining heavily at 1:30 am.  Everything is weighed down and getting heavier.  My power has also flickered on and off several times.  We have underground cables around here, which helps in these situations.  Easily on the way to 6"+ with the current heavy rates.

    NWS should have left things alone with the forecast from yesterday morning of 4 to 8".  I'm just about to exceed the current 3 to 5".

    Just remeasured after 15 minutes more of snow and I'm up another 0.3" to 4.8" storm total as of 7:00am.

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