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Everything posted by MaineJayhawk

  1. This is good news - morning Jebwalk thru the Old Port
  2. Looks like my 'hood in the country is about to eclipse 24". They sat in a heavy band for a good part of the evening. Still snowing ... daysndays
  3. Getting creamed in Portland. Visibility of 6 telephone poles
  4. yeah, very low vis ... just puking snow. Gonna head to Portland ... get outside and truly experience it
  5. I love these claims of a meh storm when it is literally just starting
  6. Just had to say "Space Mutiny" has to be the single greatest movie MST3K ever reviewed. Big McLargehuge. lol

  7. I'm jealous of all you guys with these neat snow memories. I don't remember jack squat from my youth, though I lived in Minnesota til age 17and never hurt for snow and here in the northeast for the last 12 years hitting triple digits a couple of times at least. Makes me question my weenie cred.
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