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Everything posted by MaineJayhawk

  1. Need to establish a GoFundMe for his impending liver transplant
  2. I think Dave takes the consensus forecast and does a 30% trim
  3. I got some antibiotics for it yesterday. Thanks for asking!
  4. I'd like to see some WxBell and Weathermodels maps plz
  5. 5 or 6" in North Waterboro. Dense, too. Shit would stick to my shovel when I tried to throw it.
  6. 41F and light rain started as I hung out on the rocks at Portland Head Light. 35F back at mi casa in the country
  7. Yeah, I don't own a snowmobile so let's let it rip
  8. A skunk that white is a predictor of a snowy winter
  9. Why would one want a NH lobster? Maine is where it's at.
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