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Everything posted by MaineJayhawk

  1. (Cue BrianW with his solar pimping)
  2. Probably the inspiration for this gif I created. Can't believe I have all these dippy gifs and photoshops saved 10 years later. This one's for you, Georgie porgie pudding pie
  3. -15F at home, but down at the water in South Portland it was 5F. Still good enough for a nice smoke show
  4. Waves at Whaleback Light off Kittery around noontime
  5. 3.9" now, so that is 1.2" in the last 30 minutes. 27F but the freezing line is just a few miles away
  6. 2.7" and really coming down in North Waterboro, ME. 25F
  7. I believe in Bruce's original he enunciates the proper lyric as well as a Jersey guy possibly can
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