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Everything posted by IUsedToHateCold

  1. Just in: Germantown upgraded to Excessive Heat Warning. Temperatures expected to reach 105 degrees overnight with liquid magmafall expected. All residents advised to stay indoors.
  2. 3.5 inches. Still got light snow despite that the dark greens are now north of 95, hanging on to some lighter green precip for now. Eager to see what the coastal does, but I have a good feeling someone in northern MD is going to walk away with 10+ inches from this event.
  3. Picture from my walk. The perfect winter’s night.
  4. Measured 2.25 inches. 28 degrees with SN. Coming down very nicely.
  5. I’m riding the NAM. It’s usually not bad within 24 hours, and so far it’s been pretty accurate.
  6. At least 1.5 out there, maybe a bit more. 27 and snowing nicely. Radar looks lovely.
  7. I’m up to about an inch. 27 with snizzle falling.
  8. Can’t say I’d call that a deathband. It’s whatever the deathband’s tamer cousin is. Perhaps a slightly-ill band?
  9. A clumpy half inch out there. Holding steady at 28 degrees
  10. About .1 of an inch here. Seeing a lot of precip to the south on radar, thinking some of those maps that showed a central VA jack might have been on to something
  11. I’ll take an inch and be happy with it. Excited to have a week of cold weather behind it- it will actually feel like winter for once.
  12. Only when it snows. If it rains the bright orange plug on radar is usually directly overhead.
  13. Why are schools closing for a rain/wind storm? I ask honestly. While 55MPH gusts are no joke, and can cause power outages, we usually have a few days per year with winds like that and its not normally a problem.
  14. Looks pretty accurate for my location. My thermometer has 35 on the dot.
  15. 39.9 out. Just want to see a few flakes for the sake of my three year old (who will jump up and down and say "snowy day").
  16. Did by “tightening up” did you mean “move far away?” lol I’m down on this one, don’t think this is trending in the right direction. Surprise me.
  17. The models have been consistent that this is a fall line storm. There will be a brutal cutoff and if I had to guess it’s going to be just west of 95- where it always is. Perhaps those of us down in the lowlands have a shot, but I’m prepared for disappointment and if you live where I live you should be too
  18. I’m gonna hug the ICON and hope it scores a coup. But seriously, not going to get worried at this point. Keep calm and carry on
  19. Just woke up to some snow! Not much, enough to make the ground a bit white, but that’s more than I expected out here.
  20. After tracking nonstop and failing epicly last year, this year I did nothing and have let the dice make my decision for me. IAD: 4d20= 45” BWI: 3d20 = 25” DCA: 4d12 = 17” RIC: 4d12 = 20” Tie Breaker- SBY: 3d8 =18”
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