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Everything posted by IUsedToHateCold

  1. Popeye's biscuits are in indeed incredible. Still waiting on something to pop on the models. Appreciate all the analysis here. It just feels like a roll of the dice. We have to win eventually. The roulette wheel doesn't always come up black.
  2. Cold anomalies still sitting in Russia. I'm sure someone smarter than me can tell me the weather reason for this and if it might change. Probably the crappy pac I read about a lot here?
  3. I dunno, I just feel like the cold air has been in Siberia for all of this winter. I look at the temperature anomaly maps every day and I see a big blue and white ball of cold anomalies in Kazakstan that doesn't want to budge. Hopefully that changes.
  4. I’ll take a 100 mile jog NW and a flurry for the Saturday storm and be happy.
  5. Ukie is on an island. That said, models didn't clue into the exact track and strength of the December storm until 2-3 days out, so I would think there is no reason to give up on it. On to 18z
  6. In 9 years of living in the DC area I can't remember another time where I saw a completely vertical radar like this. Really weird.
  7. I’ve pretty much punted on accumulations at this point after 2 inches of rain, but some snow falling tomorrow morning would be nice. GFS still shows it ending as snow around 7AM.
  8. Yeah there is no way DCA is getting 7-9 inches and I am getting 2 inches. No way that map verifies.
  9. Snow/sleet mix for much of the past half hour - sometimes heavy snow, sometimes heavy sleet, sometimes a mix of both.
  10. Heavy snow, CC line is 15 miles to my south. Could flip at any minute, but enjoying this while it lasts. Eyeballing about .2 of an inch? Everything caved.
  11. After 10-15 minutes of sleet (with light accumulation), it appears I turned back to light snow, so this is good
  12. Had flurries and a little bit of light snow for 15 minutes, then went to mostly sleet.
  13. It's like rolling the dice, except the dice are more stacked against you with every mile east you are. I suppose I'll be happy if I have any snow on the ground when this thing is done. It will be more thrilling to see what kind of whacky weather this thing creates. Obs will be fun tomorrow. Good luck everyone. May the weather gods of low pressure surface tracks be with you.
  14. 33 on the car thermometer. Hoping for a bit of snow in the beginning before the flip, should be nice. After that it's just another rainy day in Maryland.
  15. GFS 24 hours high is north and a tad west of 18z
  16. Hit 68 here today, exceeded the forecast high of 63. Was a great day to mow the lawn and rake leaves. I got to do it in shorts.
  17. Yes, driving from Bowie to Annapolis can be fun in the winter. I've seen huge weather differences (temps 10+ degrees warmer/colder, significant more/less snow), etc..
  18. I think surface temps are OK to start, but if the low track is too far west there will be mixing issues in the middle.
  19. I highly doubt the models are wrong here and this is coming much farther north than Fredericksburg, but I'll take a pleasant surprise.
  20. Interesting as well are the small cold SST anomalies that have recently popped between Newfoundland and the UK. Someone with more knowledge than me probably knows why that is (winds causing upwelling or something). A lot of -NAO years I have looked at had cold SSTs off the coast of Newfoundland, albeit much stronger than what we see now.
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