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Everything posted by IUsedToHateCold

  1. It’s a snow-on-snow event for me, assuming everything doesn’t melt by tomorrow night (melting at a pretty good clip today) So I don’t really care I’ll take whatever I get. What I really wish is that it wouldn’t rain a few days later. I want to keep this snowpack around for as long as possible
  2. Looks like 0z GFS has the low a tad more north and a more robust precip shield. A slight improvement.
  3. While the Euro may have better verification scores overall, one thing I have noticed about models over the years is that they tend to do better in certain patterns over others. Given this line of thinking, when a model gets something right, I think it makes sense to pay better-than-usual attention to it again at least until the pattern changes. Even if the model is not giving me snow. So yeah, I will favor the GFS for this storm. If the GFS doesn't pan out then it will be demoted back to usual status.
  4. Forecast low temp of 26 already busted low at 22. Snowpack FTW. If any precip falls in the AM it will be icy indeed.
  5. I don’t know about the HRRR but I have good reason to favor the GFS given that the Euro basically caved to it the last time. GFS is king until it’s dethroned
  6. I’ll buy what the GFS is selling. 4 fresh inches are always welcome. It didn’t steer me wrong the last time either. Hard to believe I’m going to win in back to back events though.
  7. Measured about 10" as the final band moves through. Incredible event for us east of 95. Big thanks to @CAPE for foreseeing this one and taking us to the finish line.
  8. Still in the yellow deathband. Unbelievable storm. Eyeballing at least 8-9 inches.
  9. Ugh. I imagine they aren’t going anywhere too soon. That sucks
  10. In the yellows and it continues to pile on. Eyeballing around 6 inches? Probably second best storm I’ve seen since moving here in 2011
  11. Just piling up at an incredible rate. Stuck with the toddler and can’t get out to measure but it’s got to be at least 4-5 inches now
  12. Obligatory deck pic. Eyeballing 3 or so inches. Official measurement soon.
  13. Go ahead because I’m already eyeballing 3 inches. Enjoy a drink on me!
  14. Roads have caved, snow coming down good. Haven’t been this excited in a long time.
  15. Yup, talk about living on the edge for now. Looks to be drifting north on the last frame though.
  16. Woke up to a decently heavy snow! Eyeballing about an inch or so on the grass and rooftop. Paved surfaces still wet. 32 degrees.
  17. Radar made a fool of my last post. Rain already moving in.
  18. I’m at least 4-5 hours away from precip judging by radar. Could begin as all snow depending on how fast the cold can get here. Probably not
  19. NAM still had this thing running off the coast of SC last night IIRC. GFS has nailed it from the beginning. I want to see the 19 inches it has repeatedly shown me I am going to get, so I am hugging it.
  20. Model runs today have given my yard nothing to be scared about, I look to be in prime position (for once). Good luck everyone!
  21. Local weatherbug has 63/60. About to go for my last walk of this abnormally warm winter period.
  22. Jackpot is over my yard. I'll take.
  23. If the 12z GFS verifies LWX ain't going to look good.
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