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Everything posted by bch2014

  1. Not sure I’d say that-Tomorrow should be a net gain for the Whites and Maine, and that storm mid-late next week looks like a mixed bag at worst right now. Looks tough for southern VT, I’ll grant you that.
  2. That would be BN (three straight days under 40) for PYM so it's not a surprise to see that.
  3. Very glad to be team Indy Pass this week. Skiing Cannon and Pats Peak this week, both of which have far more terrain open than their Vail competitors, WildTash and Crotched (I was Epic last year).
  4. In SNE, looks like BDL and PVD will finish BN. BOS should get there by a hair too. Will be close at ORH.
  5. Going to be a while before that happens. Even IAH goes below freezing almost every winter.
  6. By and large, the same people who complain about housing prices are the same people who will bog down a housing development in environmental lawsuits for years or block an apartment complex because it “changes the character of the town.” IMO, they just don’t want people to move there.
  7. I actually disagree with that-for many sporting events, if you're buying tickets on the secondary market, the best (well, cheapest) time to buy is very close to the game time. You're right on travel products though.
  8. Going to the Army-Wake Forest game on Saturday. Hope the rain stays east.
  9. Keystone XL has nothing to do with current energy prices. It wasn't going to be finished for years anyway. Biggest reason energy prices are high right now is because shale drillers are actually returning capital to their shareholders rather than increasing production at wild rates. Just look at what US E&P companies are saying in their public statements, whether it's $FANG, $MTDR, $OVV, etc... It's all about returning $$$ to shareholders, not getting in a dick measuring about how many BBLs you're increasing production by...
  10. I like Eric Church (and some of Luke Combs' songs) but can't stand the Luke Bryan types. I'm a big fan of the red dirt scene... Guys/bands like Wade Bowen, Randy Rogers Band, Turnpike Troubadors (RIP), etc...
  11. This reminds me of Harvey. Drainage/topography is slightly better here in NYC though but still scary.
  12. This storm is a game of inches-Morgan City, only about 30 miles west of Houma, is going to come away unscathed. They haven’t even gusted to 50.
  13. It will be less. Less than Harvey and Sandy too.
  14. As someone who lived through Harvey.. They said 3-5" of rain, and it became more like 30-50".
  15. Ive made 14 Venmo transactions in the month of August. Hardly ever use cash.
  16. Boston (and New York) are great cities to fly out of as no one airline dominates the market. Keeps prices down due to competition, at least relative other hubs. Living in Dallas, it was either AA out of DFW or WN out of DAL if you didn’t want to connect. Of course, at the time, I kind of liked the high prices as work paid for all my travel and the higher the price of the ticket, the more miles and status earned. I still mostly fly AA and continue to maintain their mid-tier status. Pre-Covid, good luck getting an upgrade out of DFW, LGA, BOS, etc.. In the post-Covid world, I’m batting about 75% as a platinum. Not bad!
  17. Clouds tonight around 7:20PM rolling into parking lot at Patriots game.
  18. As a NYC resident, I totally support a vaccine mandate if the alternative is indefinite masking and restrictions that we’re seeing in other similarly governed cities (SF, DC, etc).
  19. One of my favorites in CT is Colony Grill in Stamford. Great bar pies.
  20. Golden hour in Zagreb. No outdoor masking here, masking indoors for employees of establishments but lots of chinstraps. Great to be overseas during the casedemic.. Just got to stay off Twitter.
  21. I think that's exactly what he's saying-We have a "casedemic" in the northeast right now. Hospitalizations have barely risen yet we still have politicians considering restrictions. For example, Bowser just instituted a mask mandate in DC. 2x people have died from gun violence in DC this month compared to Covid. It's ridiculous.
  22. This is a pretty good thread on who’s not getting vaccinated. Generally speaking, the hardest hit states in the Deep South have both an anti-vaxx/Trumpy white population and a high black population.
  23. Just went to get my pre-travel PCR for Croatia... Of course, whenever I step outside I seem to sneeze the last couple days-hoping that's just the smoke/poor air quality. I've stayed away from indoor dining since last Friday night though just to try to limit my exposure... A breakthrough would suck... Fingers crossed!
  24. Manhattan is 88/100k on a 7-day basis. York is 46/100k. Manhattan has 3.5x the testing volume (on a per/100k basis) compared to York county though so the on-the-ground conditions probably aren't much different.
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