One thing that I think Mt. Snow does do very well at considering its southern location is retention, especially on the North Face. Lots of those trails hold snow forever-They're also generally pretty narrow so don't get as windblown as some of the stuff at Killington.
Biggest expense for me with skiing this year is gas/depreciation on car... The closest places worth skiing from where I live are ~125-135 miles driving one way. In my Jeep Grand Cherokee, that's $25-30 in gas per visit which exceeds my cost/day on the Epic Pass assuming I ski 25-30 days.
I have Spectrum for cable and internet. I’m one of the few millennials who hasn’t cut the cord but when you price out internet + YouTubeTV (need live sports) + Netflix (though to be fair, i bootleg off someone’s account)+whatever else, it’s MAYBE $10-15 dollars more per month. Worth it for the convenience factor for me.
North face is empty, main face pretty busy.
Fellow skier going nuts in line on Bluebird lift threatening to check the IDs of fellow skiers to make sure they’re from VT. Uh, under what authority sir..
To be clear, not a Vail employee and 99.8% of people are totally cool here. But there’s always one!
Mt Snow looks to have some decent terrain for opening day tomorrow... Free Fall on the North Face, Canyon on the skier's left of the main face, and Long John on skier's right. Three true routes down.. I've skied worse on first days!
If the most vulnerable are vaccinated by February, shouldn’t we see the hospitalization and death rate go down by quite a bit, making the need for draconian measures less?
Yeah, I totally agree with building wealth early. The 18% of my paycheck that I save every two weeks will amount to far more than if I started saving 25% 10 years from now... But also lucky that I don’t have student loans, have a relatively high salary, etc... It’s not a one-size fits all approach.
I went to college in Texas (and lived there for 18 months post grad) but grew up in the Boston area and now live in New York. I’m now almost 25... It’s amazing to see the “maturity” level between my friends from TX and my friends from growing up... Many of my TX friends are married and/or engaged... and even a few are having kids. Meanwhile, many of my friends from growing up are still “finding themselves” career wise and living at home. Maybe coincidental, maybe cultural... I don’t know.
I’m somewhere in between-I’m single but have had a lot of career advancement relatively speaking for only being 3 years out of school.
Just reserved six days on my Epic Pass:
12/19 Wildcat, 12/20 Attitash and 1/22-25 in Crested Butte.
Annoying that you can't make reservations for pre-12/8 until the week of but who knows what the ski area opening schedule will look like with the warm weather.
Yeah, I mean you’d know better than me, but the idea of Vail pulling my pass for skiing at Stowe without quarantining when I can ski Hunter, Wildcat, Attitash, etc with no threat of adverse action... Will make me ski NY + NH more than VT.
I stated this in the spring and got flamed for saying it, but the reason why summer traffic in NNE has been as high if not higher than normal (it was in the Lakes Region where I spend a lot of time) yet there has been been no "spike" is because the people who ski/boat/hike in NNE are those in our region who are at lowest risk of infection.
They are:
-More likely to work from home
-More likely to follow public health guidance
Most skiers at Stowe aren't from Chelsea, MA or Brownsville, Brooklyn even if they share the same county. More likely to be from the Back Bay or Brooklyn Heights.
I don't mean it callously-I wish the social and medical inequities in this country were not so apparent... But it's the reality of what's going on in our country.
The mask requirement on hill.. Is it a surgical/cloth mask that goes around your ears or can I wear a fleece mask like I’d normally wear?
Seems heavy handed given the outdoor environment.
I was on Route 3 driving up to NH earlier and hit some of the hardest rain I’ve ever driven in... Thought I was in South Louisiana not Chelmsford. This was at about 7:35.