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Everything posted by bch2014

  1. My friend at 6600’ in Truckee. I’m pretty sure there’s a sedan buried behind the SUV.
  2. Gunsight at Alta this morning.. Alta has plenty of snow to have a great time but certainly thinner than when I’ve skied there in the past. Bonus photo of Lavell Edwards with Mt Timponogas (sp?) in background. My 52nd FBS CFB stadium visited (games at about 30 of them). Ironically, never been to my childhood state U’s stadium (UMass).
  3. Low tide but can find some spots here and there at Snowbasin today.
  4. Just boarded my flight at DFW for SLC. They’re slammed in the Wasatch after what’s been an anemic start to season... Out here for the next 9 days. Going to ski 5, and “WFH” Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday.
  5. When you say the “front face,” are you referring to the trails off the Zoomer lift (often called the “Front Five”) or are you referring to trails off the top like Profile, Ravine, etc? I typically find that the Zoomer chair is pretty wind protected whereas a trail like Profile makes Cannon live up to its icy reputation.
  6. Mid to late April is a pretty good guess though by the end of April you likely will not be able to ski the Sherburne trail to the parking lot... But they close it in sections, so you still might be able ski down to, say, 2500ft and have a shorter hike out. Typically, the full complement of lines in the bowl are available throughout April. Alternatively, in a good snow year, you can wait till mid-late May, drive up the Auto Road, ski in the snowfields near the summit, then down climb and still have some pretty good snow in the Bowl (typically left gully and sluice are two of the longer lasting runs).
  7. IMO one town that I think has some decent "value" in between 128 and 495 is Maynard. A really great downtown with a number of restaurants, a brewery, and some local retail... Middling schools but definitely fine for elementary and middle. Only downside is lack of access to the highway (even route 2 can be a pain to access through Concord/Acton).
  8. Mt Washington just below Tuckerman Ravine.
  9. Seeing postings for job fairs at all of the Vail Resorts I follow on Instagram (except for Crested Butte and Stowe)... So it does appear that they’re trying to fix the staffing issue. Good!
  10. Middlebury Snow Bowl reporting 16-24” of new snow.. would be weird to have an 8” variance as they have a pretty high base elevation (1800’) but who knows!
  11. I will take the over on 7" of pack for your spot after this event.
  12. Saw it on the snow report and then saw on another forum that Attitash and Wildcat are sharing grooming staff. I also checked the Wildcat cam at 3 PM and no snow was being made on Polecat yet.
  13. Looks like Wildcat is so short on staff that they didn't even have the manpower to groom Polecat last night. What a pathetic offering from Vail this season in NH.
  14. I grew up in Concord.. Would not recommend living there if you have a jackpot fetish. The whole Concord, Carlisle, Acton, Bedford, Sudbury, Lincoln area is good in the sense that it's rarely on the "wrong" side of a mix line during a coastal storm... But I can't remember many/any storms from growing up where we got the most snow.
  15. There's been quite a bit of consolidation in the space but not as many BKs as you'd think. Rig counts are way down and companies are showing a lot more capital discipline which is good. I don't play in the space too much... Too boom/bust for me.. I own $COP in a retirement account (but they're bigger and more stable) and have traded in/out of $MTDR for years now.
  16. We're running +3.6 here at Central Park month to date. Hasn't felt particularly warm.. But hasn't felt particularly cold. Still running ahead of schedule on snow thanks to the December storm.
  17. Sure, but it's completely different for one stock to bounce like that vs. a broad index.
  18. It's funny with all the talk of the energy transition (which is definitely real) and what not, but if you had bought the XOP at its march lows, you would've hit a 8-bagger. Even something like ARKK isn't close to that.
  19. Where exactly are the houses? I understand that they’re between Brighton and PC near Guardsmen Pass but can’t find the homes on the satellite image.
  20. Firm and fast this morning at Hunter. Kind of day where it isn’t bad in the morning but I’ll likely call it quits at 1:30-2 as it gets scraped. On a positive note, lots of guns running including on Clair’s on the West Side.
  21. Where at Bretton Woods is this photo taken from? MWN seems "far" from BW compared to reality... Maybe it's just the angle though.
  22. Sounds like a Covid outbreak at Hunter, closing the resort today.
  23. Was able to get a reservation at Hunter for Sunday (1/10) after refreshing the page about 20 times today. Quite the robust business they must be doing to already be booked by Monday for a Sunday (I figure Saturday's are usually the busier day).
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