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Everything posted by BrianW

  1. Awesome flower moon rising over Long Island sound tonight. Night mode shot on my S22.
  2. Check the eversource outage map. They usually have a dot on the map of the exact spot/issue.
  3. Take em up... Some guidance is indicating potential for Wednesday high temperatures to be a few degrees higher than forecast so a few 90 or even lower 90s degree temperatures could very well be possible.
  4. Good call. Just took the dog for a nice morning walk.
  5. We tried to tell them.. Thus it is looking likely that we`ll see summerlike temperatures making their first appearance in 2024 on Tuesday and Wednesday for a large part of Southern New England, with many likely not yet acclimatized to this warmth as yet.
  6. Hope everyone installed for this upcoming week. . NBM 75th percentile has temps approaching 90 in this area, which is plausible with deep mixing and SW flow.
  7. Looks like a nice stretch of 75-80+ temps for CT this week.
  8. All that for probably like a few crumbs of bread in the wall.. haha They seem to be so fearful of dogs as you said. My 13lb Chihuahua/mix got loose one evening and I found him at the base of a tree with like a 300 pound black bear that climbed up and was scared shitless.
  9. Saw this on Reddit and thought of you.
  10. Avelo has flights from New Haven to St Louis now for around $150 round trip. You can rent a car with the damage deductible for less than that in STL as well. Tons of cheap motels spread out across the Midwest. Get out there and chase.
  11. Great morning walk with the dog to take in the WAA and to smell all the blooms. Hopefully we clear out later. Temperatures jump 10 to 20 degrees compared to Sunday with ongoing WAA in the resulting SW flow, likely rebounding into the low to mid 70s away from the coast. Should more breaks in the cloud cover develop, temperatures inland could achieve mid to upper 70s.
  12. This post inspired me to order some apizza from Sally's last night... large meatball and a white clam... A classic New England/VT long trail is my beer of choice with New Haven pizza... Baked and served on these premises since 1938... @powderfreak @mreaves
  13. Just sitting back with an IPA enjoying the sun, blooms and lawn.....
  14. Glad we don't live there.... From NWS Upton. On April 26, the first record lows were set at any local site in nearly 10 months. For context, 39 record highs were recorded in the same period.
  15. Go to Modern on state street as well. Most of us locals think it's the best New Haven pizza. Get the Italian Bomb. Bar on Crown St also has great pizza and it also has a brewery inside. They make a mashed potato and bacon pizza that is awesome.
  16. They took a ton of shit online for just skipping over CT. So they did an update do include New Haven.
  17. This is what I consider a proper leaf out...
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