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Everything posted by BrianW

  1. A real estate friend in CT said most buyers these days won't even bother looking at a house that doesnt have central air. It will add a massive resale value to your home. I will never buy another home without it. Have you ever had it? Its incredible to have your entire house cool and comfortable.
  2. Doesnt get any cheaper than free power with solar panels. I have my central air set to 67 24/7 and all it cost me every month is 9 bucks for the connection charge..
  3. Right. My house was built in 1958 and had central air when it was built. My real estate friend said central air is like the number 1 thing people want in houses now.
  4. Impressive that BDR tied BDL with a 91.
  5. There was a bounty paid on them in NY untill the 70s. Supposedly a guy named Art Moore in NY claims to have killed 15,000 and its thought he just about wiped out the species.
  6. I remember reading something about how easy it was to wipe out timber rattlesnakes as they all den together over the winter. You would find there den and could kill a few dozen easily. Heard a story from my friends grandfathered who had a place in VT near Rutland in the 50s. Found a den of them smoked them out and killed like 2 dozen of them with a shotgun in minutes.
  7. I know many people here in CT that recently got lymes disease. Everyone described it as feeling like death. You also have it for life and know people that have had symptoms suddenly reappear a year or so after getting it. Take evey precaution you can to keep ticks off you.
  8. You should head down to New Orleans and enjoy their impressive dews. Mid 90s, dews in the upper 70s, 100 percent relative humidity, heat index of 100-105, and showers everyday to kick those dews up even more.
  9. This. Those portable ac's depressurize your house and suck warm humid air in from every crack as they exhaust air out the window. I read studys that a 12k btu portable literally only delivers like a fraction of that. Something like 4k btu.
  10. My a/c has been on and running for months. I pretty much never open up any windows. No thanks on letting all that pollen and dust inside. With a airtight home and a good hvac unit and filter system the air inside is vastly better quality then outside. Indoor climate control is pretty advanced now. My unit has humidty control settings, uv light filter, multiple stage heat pump/cooling. It is crazy energy efficient. In the winter it has been nothing short of amazing with keeping the indoor humidity around 40-50 percent. I dont think many realize how bad it is for you in the winter when your indoor humidity is like 10 percent.
  11. Its really strange. Literally havent seen a single one. Heard from many other people in CT the same thing. Something must have wiped most of them out. I have seen a huge increase in red tailed hawks?
  12. In the meantime you can just drive to MA.... Billboard on 91 in New Haven to remind you...
  13. Anyone else notice there are like zero chipmunks this year? I usually have like half a dozen terrorizing my yard. Havent seen a single one yet this year.
  14. What a great weekend coming up...
  15. Where are the MA residents ganja garden pictures? If I heard correct you can grow up to 6 plants legally now? I know a few on here probably have some crops growing...
  16. I am on public water but all I ever hear about from friends is headaches with wells. Do you guys test your well water every year? How do you know lawn chemicals/pesticides, old inground oil tanks leaking, etc aren't getting in your water?
  17. Are these climbers using oxygen bottles like the entire time they are above a certain altitude? Seems like you would need an insane amount of tanks. I am thinking how quick a scuba tank runs out are there like piles of tanks stashed?
  18. Emerald Ash Borer completely killed my 2 green ash trees my uncle planted in 1958. They were awesome old trees with cool low branches. Its insane how quick they die once they are attacked. Ash trees will be extinct soon as there is no defense against them except treating with insecticide.
  19. This has been like the ultimate lawn growing weather. Lawns everywhere look like Ireland or the Pacific northwest. I read this Pacific Northwest type weather has been perfect for grass. Cool temps, ton of rain and a day or two of sun here and there. Most grass thrives in cooler temps in the 40-60 degree range. Look at your bag of grass seed and I bet the seeds are from WA or OR. Its like the ultimate grass growing climate. Get that seed down. Stuff I seeded last month has exploded in growth.
  20. Sort of weather related.... Thermodynamics is going to be the future of heating and cooling. Moving heat and not creating it using zero fossil fuels is where we are headed... The theoretical efficiency has major room for improvement. You can now buy a mini split/heat pump with almost 500% efficiency. I just installed another mini split and combined with my solar panels I am aiming towards 100 percent heating/cooling using the sun... Thermodynamic heat pump cycles or refrigeration cycles are the conceptual and mathematical models for heat pumps and refrigerators. A heat pump is a machine or device that moves heat from one location (the "source") at a lower temperature to another location (the "sink" or "heat sink") at a higher temperature using mechanical work or a high-temperature heat source.[1] Thus a heat pump may be thought of as a "heater" if the objective is to warm the heat sink (as when warming the inside of a home on a cold day), or a "refrigerator" if the objective is to cool the heat source (as in the normal operation of a freezer). In either case, the operating principles are identical.[2] Heat is moved from a cold place to a warm place.
  21. With all the technology out there where are the automatic snow depth sensors? Infared triangulation and ultrasonic sensors are extremely accurate and cheap.
  22. Sun should come out and melt most of this today right? I am hoping it melts off my solar panels quick so I can take advantage of the clear days coming up. My solar production is really starting to ramp up this time of year.
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