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Everything posted by BrianW

  1. Picture from Hamden during that storm. There are 2 cars buried in there with the wipers just sticking up.
  2. Electricity being sent long distances over powerlines with massive efficiency losses will be antiquated much sooner than you think. Solar and battery storage and small local microgrids are coming. My house is all electric powered 100% by my solar panels. I am totally ready to call Eversource and tell them I dont need their line anymore once battery storage comes down in price. That is already happening in Hawaii and New England is right behind Hawaii with the most expensive electricity in the US. Utilities are already using large scale battery storage here.
  3. How often did you water it? New grass needs an insane amount of water for the roots to establish and grow deep. Looks like most of the dead section is on higher ground and the soil is probably bone dry.
  4. Do they keep the slopes mowed like that year round or is it just to make it look nice for foliage season? Lol
  5. What a storm in North Dakota. Seems this is a pretty rare event. Stronger winds and a secondary batch of snow is expected on Friday into at least early Saturday. This combination is expected to be crippling, especially for that Cooperstown to Devils Lake to Langdon corridor. For that reason, a blizzard warning was issued for this time frame. Impacts are hard to imagine, as these type of snow amounts and winds are incredibly rare. Have mentioned 1 to 3 feet of snow being possible in the blizzard warning area, with large, impassable drifts expected as well. This will not be an event where a uniform amount of snow is deposited, and is easily measured. Just like any blizzard, there may be little snow in open areas, and huge drifts nearby. Impacts should be a little less in the Red River Valley, and even lower moving east of the Red River Valley into Minnesota. Since the area east of the Red River Valley may not see snow until Friday morning, left the watch in effect for now.
  6. There is a rumor on a bunch of aviation forums that the plane was filled with jet fuel instead of aviation gas. On the ATC recordings they report problems with engine 4 and its thought they lost engine 3 on the same wing coming back in. With 2 engines on the other wing running the plane pulled hard right and crashed.
  7. Looks like it was only in the air for 5 mins. Took off and then circled right back and crashed. RIP to the crew if they didn't make it. I think these are usually resotored and flown mostly by volunteers. https://flightaware.com/live/flight/N93012/history/20191002/1348Z/KBDL/KBDL
  8. I also think all the manmade stuff that allows standing water has a huge impact. Think of all the flat commerical roofs with water on them, highway drainage ditches, all the stuff around homes, etc. I was at a friends house recently and there were mosquitos everywhere along with dozens of buckets, cups etc full of swimming larvae. This person's yard was a breeding ground for probably thousands of mosquitoes.
  9. Looks like SE CT is the hotspot. Anyone have any thoughts why?
  10. I have lived in many places including many years on the champlain islands in VT. I have been on the shoreline in Branford the last 6 years and love it. From an energy perspective the amount you save on heating and cooling is insane. I am heating and cooling my entire house with 1 or 2 solar powered 12k btu mini splits while those in NNE are sucking down heating oil with 100k+ btu oil furnaces.
  11. Great article on the vaping issues. A friend who owns a dispensary in CO said this spot on. So now that MA stopped selling tested thc vape cartridges people will be buying black market from China’s Labs to Your Lungs. https://www.leafly.com/news/politics/vape-pen-injury-supply-chain-investigation-leafly
  12. This also bans all recreational marijuana vape cartridges. People will now turn to the black market cartridges that are the root of the problem. If you dig deeper into who is getting sick its like 100 percent from black market weed cartridges that have unknown substances in them. Nobody is getting sick from juuls and legal rec thc cartridges that are tested by labs.
  13. The business that chik fil a does in CT is insane. They are always packed. I heard from a friend that the new 2 floor one in Norwalk brings in 6 figures every week in sales. They absolutely destroy every other fast food place in service and I heard they pay employees way more money than other places. When Wallingford opened years ago they had cops directing traffic for months after they opened.
  14. One of the reasons I am done with fossil fuels especially gas/propane. Soo many explosions seem to be happening these days. I converted my whole house to eveything electric and have solar panels so my electricity is free. Just installed another cold weather heat pump and plan on using no fossil fuels this winter for heating. I will be using thermodynamics pumping heat from outdoors into my house at 470% efficiency burning zero fossil fuels.
  15. There was an aerial plane survey done after the 38 hurricane. Pages 12-14 have some of the RI coastline. That area got hit hard. http://cslib.cdmhost.com/digital/collection/p4005coll10/search/searchterm/Aerial survey!index sheet!1938/field/title!title!title/mode/exact!none!exact/conn/and!and!and/order/title/ad/asc
  16. Some potential tonight for a possible viewing.
  17. Its downright scary how many people I know that have gotten lyme in the last few years. The numbers are certainly rising rapidly.
  18. There is no stopping it from what I have read. Billions of native ash will be wiped out. Only hope is to create new ash strains resistant to eab and introduce those into the wild. I believe they did something similar with elm trees where they created a Dutch elm disease resistant tree.
  19. Is Emerald Ash Borer up there yet? I would start treating it if you intend to keep it. I have been keeping mine alive by soil drench with insecticide. Cost like 5 bucks to treat it yourself with the same stuff the pros use thats available online. The ash are pretty close to wiped out here in CT. Here was an ash stand I drove by today. There are whole tracts all over the state that look like this. It looks terrible.
  20. Thanks. I dont think the dew lovers here have any idea... how terrible it is to work in that..
  21. Can you please post a dew above chart for NOLA... I work outside in the telecom/cell phone industry and NOLA is where I am headed Sun night.
  22. I would love to see all the dew lovers spend a week with this... I am getting sent out to this for work.. and its outside... But its New Orleans...
  23. Thermodynamics... I am going all in on air source heat pumps for both heating and cooling. Combined with solar panels I am going to attempt to not burn any fossil fuels this winter... Under the principles of vapor compression refrigeration, an ASHP uses a refrigerant system involving a compressor and a condenser to absorb heat at one place and release it at another. Air at any temperature above absolute zero contains some energy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_source_heat_pumps
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