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Everything posted by BrianW

  1. Looks like HVN and BDR put up 91's. Its been an absolute scorcher down here on the CT shoreline. Seems like every morning driving along 95 my work van is 78-80 at 6-7 am.
  2. Our cabin is near Sparta. My wife has a ton of family around Morris County. You have mentioned many familiar names. She has family in Denville, Long Valley, Parsippany and Dover. I was just there this past weekend Canoeing down the Delaware.
  3. We have a couple huge ones towering over our cabin in NW NJ. We had a branch come down and spear our roof during Isaias. Right now they are dropping those pods like crazy. I was there this past weekend and all night they were dropping on the roof.
  4. We have a lake cabin in northwest NJ and the amount of rain that area has received is nuts. We have to repair the gravel road like every 2 weeks from the runoff. There are mushrooms growing everywhere.
  5. Around 57% of people across parts of India's financial hub of Mumbai have coronavirus antibodies, a July study found, indicating that the population may have inadvertently achieved the controversial 'herd immunity' protection from the coronavirus. https://fortune.com/2020/07/30/herd-immunity-covid-coronavirus-india/
  6. Spent the weekend at my sister's in Narragansett. We bought most of this right from the boats in Galilee.
  7. Where are you? NY? My water bill in CT is $100-150 every 4 months and I water the hell out of my plants and lawn.
  8. I highly recommend if you have trees that can fall on your house get them removed. I know of 2 people that had huge oak trees fall on their homes in the recent storm. They are being told to find somewhere to live for up to 4 months. There is nobody available to fix them.
  9. New York is reopening their gyms on Monday. I know someone in the industry. CT gyms have had over 150k+ people check in and there hasn't been a single covid case associated with any gyms in CT. Not a single staff or contact trace with a gym member. Supposedly that data was huge in getting NY to reopen their gyms. On a related note. Its pretty alamring how many people I haven't seen in awhile thay are extremely overweight now. This includes children as well.
  10. My friend owns a pool company and has been working 7 days a week all summer. He has deposits down through next summer. Said there aren't enough pool companies for the demand.
  11. Maximum derecho wind estimate now at 140 mph, Atkins measures 126 mph CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (KCRG) - New data collected by the National Weather Service shows even stronger winds than initially surveyed, according to meteorologists. The Quad Cities office of the agency released new storm reports on Wednesday morning, following further storm surveys and new information relayed by emergency managers. Based on the damage to the Westdale Court apartments on the southwest side of Cedar Rapids, which removed the roof, outside walls, and some inside walls from the top floor, National Weather Service damage surveyors estimate that 140 mph winds took place in that location. https://www.kcrg.com/2020/08/19/maximum-derecho-wind-estimate-now-at-140-mph-atkins-measures-126-mph/
  12. Some good news on antibodies. Research on a coronavirus outbreak that occurred on a Seattle-based fishing vessel earlier this year may be the first direct evidence that antibodies to the coronavirus could prevent people from reinfection. The findings were shared in a report Tuesday by the University of Washington’s School of Medicine and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. The report looks at an outbreak on a fishing vessel that sailed from Seattle in May. It found that three crew members who had neutralizing coronavirus antibodies prior to departure were spared from an outbreak that infected more than 85 percent of the boat’s crew members. Before departing, the ship’s 122 crew members were all tested for coronavirus. This included having their blood drawn to see if they had coronavirus antibodies from a previous infection. None of the crew members tested positive for coronavirus, however three had antibodies for coronavirus, indicating they had previously been infected. https://komonews.com/news/coronaviru...n-fishing-crew
  13. Go buy tempo dust if your dealing with wasp, bees, yellow jackets, etc. You can get it on Amazon. Its what the pros use. You dust the nest entrance and they bring it into the nest and it's done in a day or two. Those sprays only kill on contact and don't penetrate into the nest.
  14. Looks like fall around here. This is on 95 in East Haven.
  15. You can see it really good on wunderground just north of San Fran.
  16. Some big heat there through the entire state.
  17. My company has had to actually increase pay, retirement benefits, more vacation time etc to match up with what other companies are offering. Workers will leave in a flash if another company has better benefits and are paying more. There are huge sign on bonuses out there as well.
  18. Skilled trades are booming here in CT. I can work pretty much endless overtime if I wanted. Huge shortage of state licensed hvac, electrical, plumbing, etc workers. There are huge sign on bonuses. All those jobs are mostly apprentice based jobs with zero college debt. Lineman made an absolute killing the last week. My neighbor who is one said he made over $10k working 16 hour days. Said he will make close to 200k this year . Its funny how back in the late 90s my High School gutted the entire tech ed department and converted it to classrooms...
  19. “As a storm approaches, we engage a variety of different resources – including UConn’s predictive model and experts from outside weather services – to track the storm and forecast its severity and path. Based on the tools and guidance we received from our external experts, we followed our plan and filed for the appropriate level of classification. From the time we declared our initial level based on our best available tracking models at the end of last week, the storm’s path deviated from those models and we’ve reclassified the storm accordingly as our models dictated, which is a typical utility practice once a storm hits.” https://ctmirror.org/2020/08/05/lamont-says-it-will-take-days-to-recover-power/
  20. Salt damage. It's really bad along the shoreline. My house and windows are covered in white salt residue.
  21. That's impressive it went that far inland. Its really bad along the shoreline in Branford. All the oaks are like completely brown.
  22. Special one even on the shoreline
  23. I used this $500 Harbor Freight inverter generator for 3 days straight and then gave it to my mom. Its supposedly an exact clone of a Honda unit. It has a 1 gallon tank and sips fuel. Was getting 8-10 hours off a tank. Ran my fridge, lights, tv, window ac, etc. Get one if you don't own one. Worth every penny.
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