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Everything posted by BrianW

  1. I said it earlier in the thread but NWS Upton did an excellent job at getting the tornado warning out in time. I know a ton of people that got the warning on their phones and took shelter as soon as it rolled in.
  2. You should do a southwest style landscape. Convert the grass to crushed stone and plant some cactus and succulents.
  3. https://www.wtnh.com/video/absolute-devastation-storm-damage-could-delay-completion-of-new-east-haven-high-school-turf-field/
  4. Looks like the 91 bridge over Sackett Pt Rd and Universal Drive.
  5. There has been a plane flying crazy low around here in circles. Just checked flightradar24.com and its a Civil Air Patrol plane. I assume the NWS does aerial surveys?
  6. Are wells running dry up there in Northern CT? I remember a few years ago people had to drill deeper or get trucks to dump water in their wells.
  7. I drive back and forth from the Branford shoreline to my moms in North Haven a lot. That exact area is usually where the cooler shore temps and warmer inland temps converge. I'll see my car thermometer go from like 78 and jump to something crazy like 86 right there between exit 9 and 12. Perhaps that has something to do with it.
  8. 2 more radar grabs I got off twitter. I was on the highway earlier and you can see right where it crossed 91 and 95 as all the tree tops are gone
  9. Just heard they are sending in the National Guard. The entire grid is down in Branford. So many roads are impassable from trees.
  10. Is there a way to see past radar loops on radarscope? I lost cell and wifi right when it came over. Upton did good a good job getting out the tornado warning. Everyone I talked their phones blew up with the warning well before it hit.
  11. 0410 PM TSTM WND GST NEW HAVEN 41.31N 72.93W 08/27/2020 M69 MPH NEW HAVEN CT MESONET
  12. What a storm. Came right over me. Huge gusts coming in from all directions. Definitely some rotation. The damage I am hearing from friends in the area is nuts. Telephone poles blown over but not from trees falling. From what i am hearing. It started around exit 9 in North Haven and went SE right into Branford. There was another one possibly further north that went right through the center of North Haven. Last radar shot before I lost power and cell service. I am new to radar scope. Is there a way to see past radar data?
  13. Cell phones are down all over Branford, East Haven, North Haven, etc. Can't get ahold of anyone either. Im on wifi off my generator.
  14. Lost power and cell service here in Branford. Was insane. I am hearing North Haven is a disaster. Last frame before I lost cell service.
  15. Just saw Vail has announced its guidelines for Colorado. Seems really excessive. I think most people aren't going to bother going with all these guidelines in place. Vail Resorts owns five resorts in Colorado, including Vail, Beaver Creek, Breckenridge, Keystone and Crested Butte. Highlights of the protocols announced Thursday include: Guests will be required to wear face coverings on mountains and in every area of resort operations, including lift lines, on lifts and in gondola cars. Only related parties (guests skiing or riding together) will be loaded together on lifts, with exceptions: Two unrelated parties will be allowed to load on four-person chairlifts, seated on opposite sides of the chair; two unrelated singles or pairs will be allowed to sit on opposite sides of six-person chairs; two singles will be allowed to sit on opposite sides of gondola cabins. A reservation system prioritizing Epic Pass holders will be implemented to limit numbers and ensure that guests will have the space they need while at the resort. Pass holders will be required to make reservations before arriving at the resort. The number of lift tickets sold to the general public on a given day will depend on how many pass holders have made reservations, and they will be sold only online or through Vail Resorts call centers. https://theknow.denverpost.com/2020/08/27/vail-resorts-ski-season-coronavirus-reservations/244367/
  16. I'm working down in the Stamford area today. My work van has been bouncing between 84-86.
  17. I was just looking at the aerial view of Port Arthur. The amount of chemical/oil industry there is eye opening. The size of the Valero refinery is incredible. Its looks to be over 2 miles wide. Are these places designed for a direct hit? If not the environmental impact is going to be huge. There is a huge BASF chemical plant just the North as well.
  18. I usually don't use them either but the tree service gave me a deal to inject it with Tree-age since they were already here.. It supposedly is the best stuff to use against EAB and lasts for 2 years. I mainly did it because it is insanely expensive to get a tree removed here. That ash cost me almost $4k to get removed with some other small tree trimming. I bought myself 2 more years and I can get it injected again for $400 next year to buy 2 more. That's part of the big issue here is homeowners don't have the cash to get dead trees cut down. So they end up on power lines. I know 2 people that actually paid to get their neighbors huge dead standing ash trees cut down. Cheap insurance especially when it was leaning towards their house. https://arborjet.com/product/tree-age/
  19. I lost 1 ash to EAB here in CT but have been treating another really old one with a soil drench of Imidcloprid. Its still doing great where just about every ash here is completely dead.. You can get a bottle of Dominion 2l on Amazon for like $25. Its the same stuff the pros use. The crown died off first on the one I lost. There will be woodpeckers all over it like crazy if you have EAB. Here is the one I lost and the other I treated. I counted the rings on the one that was cut down and it was almost 100 years old.
  20. East Rock Park in New Haven is a great spot. You can drive right to the top in your car. I think the elevation is 366 feet there. Awesome views.
  21. A UCONN professor of forestry wrote about how all the dead ash and oak trees in 2018 are going to cause major problems. Looks like the situation is pretty bad in Eastern CT from gypsy moths according to the article with some areas having 80-90% canopy loss. From a public safety point of view, the numbers of dead trees that have the potential to ultimately impact roadways and power lines is well beyond the capacity of property owners, town budgets, CT-DOT and/or utilities to address. https://blog.extension.uconn.edu/201...-insect-pests/ This is a common sight all over CT.
  22. Its been a scorcher even on the shoreline. The water in Long Island sound has been crazy warm this summer. There was a stretch earlier this month where it was above 80 degrees for a few days and hit 85. I think the average sound temp is like 71 for August. New Haven was reporting 80 today.
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