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Everything posted by BrianW

  1. Vermont’s Ski Season, on the Brink. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/19/travel/vermont-ski-season-quarantine.html
  2. Same in CT. I know someone that works at a large gym chain. Over a millions check ins and there have been practically zero cases between staff or any contact tracers about members being sick.
  3. The contact tracing has been showing gyms, restaurants, stores, etc are not where its spreading. The data in VT I saw was 71% of the tracing from contact tracers were social gatherings of friends/family. I think they even found deer camps were high on the list. Very few to no cases from the other places.
  4. I still think alot of people could be completely immune to it through t-cell immunity. I have heard countless stories from friends/family of someone testing positive/symptomatic with it but nobody else getting in the house. English study suggests T cells could be sufficient to protect from COVID-19 The study on nearly 3,000 people, conducted by Oxford Immunotec and Public Health England (PHE), found that no participants with a high T cell response developed symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection when researchers followed up with them. That compares to 20 confirmed infections among participants who saw low T cell responses. https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-health-coronavirus-britain-tcell-idUSKBN27Q001
  5. A friend works at a gym chain and said hundreds of thousands of people have checked in the last few months. There have been no known outbreaks.
  6. 4.5 inches here in the last 31 days with 16 days of measurable precipitation.
  7. Most of those lodges probably have poor or no ventilation either. Most of them appear to be heated with pellet stoves, fireplaces, wall heaters, etc. Since their is zero need in most lodges for ac they have no ductwork.
  8. Legal immunity for nursing homes was just extended Monday in CT. Despite objections from advocates and family members with loved ones in nursing homes, officials with Gov. Ned Lamont’s administration said Monday they would extend legal immunity for those facilities and for hospitals through Feb. 9. https://ctmirror.org/2020/11/09/over-objections-from-advocates-lamont-to-extend-legal-immunity-for-nursing-homes-hospitals/
  9. Looks like they intend to enforce it as well. COVID COMPLIANCE CHECKS Public Safety Commissioner Mike Schirling says statewide compliance checks will begin around November 12th with plainclothes officers visiting a variety of businesses like lodging facilities and restaurants. If substantial non-compliance is found and those businesses don’t fix the problems, those cases may be referred to the attorney general’s office. He says law enforcement will also begin handing out COVID safety information during traffic stops. https://www.wcax.com/2020/11/10/gov-scott-to-hold-pandemic-press-conference/
  10. When I lived in VT 13 years ago you could pretty much trap/shoot them year round even at night. A farmer up the road from me would shoot them all the time as they would prey on his livestock. Coyotes are not native to New England and I think most states have like zero restrictions on killing them.
  11. East Haddam Woman Fights Off Coyote With Pitchfork, Donkey. I guess donkeys are known to be protective and will attack and kill coyotes. https://patch.com/connecticut/thehaddams-killingworth/east-haddam-woman-fights-coyote-pitchfork-donkey
  12. 77 here on the shoreline. Foliage is looking great this year
  13. Do the breweries pay well? I always assumed that like other skilled trades the money was good. I would assume a place like treehouse would pay well and have good benefits considering they are making a killing. I read an article where someone tried to analyze their profits off there production numbers give to the state of Mass. The conclusion was they are making an absolute obscene amout of money. There selling cans for like 4$ and its only available directly from them cutting out the beer distributors.
  14. Yes and its legal in the US. Marijuana is decriminalized in CT. Less than 1/2 oz is a civil penalty with a $150 fine.
  15. This seems a little overboard but it has to be because of all the recent huge parties. Hundreds of college kids rented a banquet facility and threw a huge Halloween party last weekend. There have also been huge underground parties in the cities as seen from the recent Bridgeport video. I heard people were still sort of able to go out drinking like at a bar for the night at restaurants. You just hung at a table and ordered like some fries and drank beers. Places were still open late. In coordination with Governor Ned Lamont’s Executive order 9K, effective at 12:01 a.m. on Friday, November 6, 2020, DPH Acting Commissioner Deidre S. Gifford MD MPH is issuing an advisory for all Connecticut residents to stay home between the hours of 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. in order to reduce the risk of further viral transmission. The advisory applies to every Connecticut resident, except 1) those who are essential workers who must leave home in order to go to their jobs; and 2) anyone who must leave their home on an emergency basis to seek medical care or to purchase medical supplies, food or groceries.
  16. Dandelions were sprouting up last week here on the CT shoreline.
  17. Was visiting my sister last weekend in Boston and did aTrillium delivery. Going to light the wood stove and put a few back.
  18. It was Ryan who posted that. NEW HAVEN, CT — Connecting the dots, a meteorologist noted that a spike in COVID-19 infections in New Haven coincide with a dramatic increase in the virus being detected in sewage. https://patch.com/connecticut/newhaven/dramatic-spike-virus-concentration-new-haven-wastewater
  19. There will probably be one in Bridgeport soon...
  20. Haven't been below 40 here on the shoreline. Dandelions are starting to come up again around here. Tons of stuff is still flowering and growing.
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