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Everything posted by BrianW

  1. Great article explaining it. Why Is New England Paying The Equivalent Of $180 Oil For Natural Gas? The gas that lands in Boston has historically been sourced from fields in Trinidad & Tobago, Norway, and Russia. https://www.forbes.com/sites/christopherhelman/2022/02/01/why-is-new-england-paying-the-equivalent-of-180-oil-for-natural-gas/
  2. Imagine if we had these prices in Jan Feb. The cheapest Heating oil at the New Haven terminal is $4.99 a gallon right now. New England prices on cash heating oil right.
  3. The billboard I drive by that has the price listed everyday had $4.24 a gallon this morning. It was like $3.49 a week ago. Natural gas prices are up 60% in Europe and that is going to have a huge impact here. I can guarantee we are going to be sending tanker after tanker of LNG to Europe to cut off as much gas from Russia. The Natural gas futures for the summer in New England are sky high as well. Huge electricity rate increases are almost certain when utilities adjust to summer rates in June.
  4. I posted a few weeks ago about all the military traffic here along the shoreline. Blackhawks formations flying really low at weird times like at like 5 am. It looks like either a big training exercise or we are on high alert. Im going to guess its not training. There are c-130s all over New England flying grids today and there is a Stratotanker going up and down the New England coast. You can track all the military traffic here when their transponders are on. Click U on the top right to show military traffic. Take a look at Europe right now. You can usually see all the flights into eastern Poland bringing supplies and the recon flights along the border. https://globe.adsbexchange.com/
  5. Drones are going to play a big role. The Ukrainian's have been posting tons of videos using their Turkish Bayraktar TB2 with devastating effects against the Russian's. They supposedly wiped out out an entire column of Chechen fighters in one of the videos and have been hitting high value targets with it left and right. The guy who designed and its named after Selçuk Bayraktar went to MIT.
  6. A friend of mine who was in the special forces and did multiple tours in Afghanistan/Iraq told me on Saturday that tons of really elite guy's from the US/UK/Israel and other countries were going in or already there to fight as volunteers. Sure enough I just saw buzzfeed has an article on it this morning. It also seems many countries are openly posting now that's its ok for their citizens to volunteer with Latvia even voting to change its law to allow people to volunteer. My buddy said its going to get interesting there soon especially with all the donated weapons coming in. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/christopherm51/american-nato-military-veterans-fight-russia-with-ukraine
  7. This one of the best sources for live stuff happening on the ground. Everything happening is pretty much being updated live there. Most people over there are using telegram. Looks like missiles where just fired from Belarus. I will also say it looks like the Ukrainian Forces are taking out a ton of armor and aircraft. Tons of videos have been coming out of helicopters being taken out and whole Russian convoys being hit. https://liveuamap.com/
  8. Yeah. Protecting Groton is my guess.
  9. There has been a crazy amount of military planes and formations of helicopters flying really low along Long Island Sound the last few days. Seems we are on high alert. I heard a squadron of F-35s stopped in Burlington VT the other night at 3am on their way to Europe and woke a lot of people up.
  10. You most likely plugged the filter and nozzle when all the sediment got mixed up at the bottom of the tank when you added diesel. How old is the tank and what kind of filter do you have? If you have one of those old woven cloth ones they don't filter much at all. If you have the older one have the tech install the new style 10 micron spin on filter that looks like a car oil filter. Those will filter 100 times better than a cloth sock. A new nozzle and filter should have you back up running. Make sure the tech cleans and vacuums the soot out of the heat exchanger. Even a tiny layer can drop the efficiency big time. Yours is no doubt sooted up as it was probably running dirty for a long time before you noticed the soot. On a related note I am hearing stories of huge wait times for oil and propane deliveres in NNE.
  11. @Ginx snewx Looks like the Thames and Connecticut River are frozen and snow covered pretty far North?
  12. Really hard one to measure. I had about 3.5 when I went to bed around 11 and maybe picked up an additional .5 overnight so I'm going with 4 inches here.
  13. Yeah. Looks like he's getting crushed right now.
  14. Looks like the parking lot of the Ultra Violet strip club in Willimantic? I hear there's a better one in Tolland...
  15. Looks like round 2 is getting started right up the 91 corridor in CT.
  16. Upton's forecast was spot on. 2.8 inches here and its only sticking to the grass. Look at the 95 traffic cams east of HVN.
  17. Upton thinks it's all going to melt. With record warmth today (highs in the 50s and 60s) ground temperatures remain well above freezing. In addition, some of the 12z forecast guidance keeps temperatures above freezing (33-35 degrees) during parts of the day Sunday. While p-type is expected to be all snow, if these surface temperatures do stay right around 32 or slightly above 32, we may not see a lot of snow sticking to roads, and may be confined to just the grassy surfaces.
  18. Who is ready for spring? 63 and my Tulips are sprouting!
  19. Pellet stoves burn extremely clean and they don't create creosote as pellets have very low moisture content. Your pipe is most likely fine. Pellets would save you 50% or more over heating oil right now based on cost per btu. In addition to the huge savings pellets are considered carbon neutral and have a huge environmental benefit. Burning pellets instead of oil will reduce your C02 emissions by close to 90%. You also have one of the biggest wood pellet dealers (woodpellets.com) just south of you in Bedford NH and they have local New Hampshire pellets available.
  20. Diesel is fine and is actually better and burns much cleaner than home heating oil due to its lower sulphur content and better refinement. Kerosene is even cleaner and you could use that but it's expensive. Its mainly for indoor kerosene heaters as its burns very clean. Oil burners will pretty much burn anything you put through them. The same burners and nozzles can run used motor oil, biofuels, vegetable oil etc. My first place I rented just out of college me and my roommate could never afford the 150 gallon minimum fill for heating oil. We spent many weeks just buying 10 gallons of diesel to keep the heat going.
  21. Its been all over the news. The market is changing. People don't have $15 to spend on a 4 pack of IPA's anymore and sales are dropping like a cliff. In the last month, four breweries in the state have closed permanently. Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, seven breweries have closed in Connecticut. “Our breweries are struggling. Many of them are on the precipice of financial failure. Losing them is not an option,” Blumenthal said. “This program is an investment in the kind of changes in investment that are required of our breweries.” https://www.fox61.com/article/news/local/senator-blumenthal-seeks-federal-relief-funds-for-ct-breweries/520-01cc63b3-0f14-41ad-8576-40081096f5c9 https://www.hartfordbusiness.com/article/craft-beer-industry-growth-slowing-amid-pandemic-new-competition https://www.courant.com/news/connecticut/hc-news-connecticut-breweries-closing-20220205-latmm7zg7fg2tk57ipnsrpz37m-story.html
  22. A friend of mine works in the craft brewery industry in CT. He said sales are horrendous and on a huge downward trend and 5 craft breweries just closed this month in CT. He said expect a ton more to close soon.
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