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Everything posted by BrianW

  1. Maples will be leafed out by the weekend here.
  2. Beautiful afternoon out on Pt Judith watching some surfers. Car said it was 57 on the way in.
  3. Where is the closest water? Is there a pond nearby? There is a pond uphill across the street from me and the level of that has a direct correlation with my groundwater level. Use a post hole digger and dig down like a foot and look and see it's actively flowing. You will be able to tell right away. I have looked up some ways online to potentially tap into the one in my yard for watering my lawn.
  4. I know Tacoma's are reliable but they are outdated and the 4cyl is way underpowered. The current 3rd generation Tacoma is the same design from 2015. The ranger has way more technology and gets way better gas mileage. Seems a lot of these mid size trucks are going to turbo 4 cylinders. The new 2023 Chevy Colorado has a 2.7 turbo. A lot of people are reporting getting close to 30 mpg if your easy on the gas. The ranger has a 7k towing capacity as well and the torque on these turbo motors is supposedly amazing. I live turbo charged cars and my last 2 regular cars have been turbos.
  5. Sounds like an underground spring. I have one that runs through my yard and can actually hear the water flowing underground. If you look at your yard with a drone you can usually actually see a huge difference in green. During the drought last year I could see the green strip from the spring with my drone as clear as day. The water table has been really high here lately as well. Most ponds and lakes are completely full with a few over their banks here.
  6. Looking at buying a used newer generation 19-22 Ford Ranger. Anyone have one? I like the turbo and better gas mileage. Need a small fuel efficient truck and am looking at a 2 door model. I hate the 4 door car style. I also looked at Chevy Colorado's as they have a small 2 door truck as well. I stopped at my Ford dealer just to see what a new one would cost and a base ranger with 4x4 is like 40k and 6 month wait.
  7. If anyone wants to go an organic route on their lawn I have been having amazing success with the following products. I'm using this in my 5000 sqft fenced in area for my small dog. Purely Organics for lawn fertilizer. Available at Home Depot. I believe its made from recycled grain from a brewery. Works similar to Milorganite with the soil and you can't burn your lawn with it. I use 3 bags a year. $31.97 for 25lb bag that does 5000 sqft. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Purely-Organic-Products-25-lb-Dry-Lawn-Food-Fertilizer-LFJRDK1/204279747#ratings-and-reviews I don't use much of any herbicides. A healthy established lawn doesn't really need any. I will walk around and spot treat with a sprayer using some Tenacity which is semi organic made from Mesotrione derived from the bottle brush plant. https://www.greencastonline.com/labels/tenacity I also use this organic one that is just Iron HEDTA. https://www.arbico-organics.com/product/bonide-captain-jacks-lawnweed-brew/natural-organic-weed-control For ticks and insects I spray wondercide every 30 days. Its just cedarwood oil. I also have had amazing success putting their cedarwood oil on my dog for ticks. https://www.wondercide.com/ For grubs I drop a bag of Grub Gone. Its active ingredient is Bt, a naturally-occurring soil bacterium https://beetlegone.com/products/grub-gone Here is Woody enjoying the organic lawn.
  8. Looks like a perfect weekend with the rain to drop some fertilizer or pre emergant on the lawn. Soil temperatures in a good portion of southern areas have been averaging above 50 for 5 days. Check yours here. https://www.greencastonline.com/tools/soil-temperature
  9. I already mowed twice here in Branford. I put down my organic fertilizer when the forsythia were blooming like 3 weeks ago. Who do you have for water there? I have the regional water authority which is a non profit so water is cheap. Water bill is about $25 month and will spike to $60-75 in the summer watering the lawn and plants. Some water companies like Eversource are for profit and charge huge money for water. A friend in Fairfield County pays like 5 times what I do for water.
  10. Lots of mowers running today and yesterday down on the shoreline.
  11. You need to move back to Branford. Plenty of trees budding, flowers out and lawns are nice and green...
  12. Remember that powerline in Maine and New Hampshire that got blocked from bringing cheap Hydro power into New England... Hydro Quebec comparing their rates for 1000 kwh...
  13. That's just the fenced in part for my dog. The lawn is actually 100% organic. I use organic fertilizer that is leftover brewing grains and cedarwood oil for ticks/insects.
  14. Its time. I'm probably 10 days away from my first cut.
  15. Totals from NBC CT. Here's a look at the snowfall reports so far in the state: Scotland: 6.8 inches Tolland: 6.5 inches Colebrook: 6.0 inches New Fairfield: 5.8 inches Bridgeport: 5.5 inches Enfield: 5.5 inches Ivoryton: 5 inches Portland: 5 inches Watertown: 5 inches Ansonia: 4.7 inches Warren: 4.5 inches Wethersfield: 4.5 inches
  16. I was working on a house near Uconn yesterday and there was some pretty big ice just south of him when I drove by the Bolton Lakes where 384/44 meet. There was nothing in the lower elevations by Uconn.
  17. Roads are good up that way? Heading up to the hills today to work on a house near Uconn.
  18. 28 with a beautiful sunrise here on the CT shoreline.
  19. http://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/ASOS/current.phtml?sortcol=ts&network=CT_ASOS&metar=no&sorder=asc&format=html
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