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About BrianW

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Branford, CT

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  1. Parents resorting to spending thousands at backyardsnowstorm.com so their kids can experience snow.
  2. Looks like everyone is still installed there and ready.
  3. .5 of rain and even some flakes mixing in now here on the shoreline.
  4. Lots of cold sandy beaches this morning. 16 even out on fishers island.
  5. This Sabal palmetto has been growing in Bridgeport since 2009. Supposedly the northernmost large palm growing on the east cost. Normally found south of NC. Picture from Aug 2024. This is the first tree of this species in our database, as well as the first palm tree. This is a USDA zone 8 tree growing in zone 7. This tree was grown from seed from collected in Sun City Center, FL, in 2005. It was planted outside in its current location in 2009. This tree suffered die-back over the 2017-2018 winter and its height was reduced from about 8 feet.It is in a favorable microclimate, very close to a south-facing masonry wall, and is about 500 ft from Long Island Sound. http://oak.conncoll.edu:8080/notabletrees/ViewTreeData.jsp?selected=226219
  6. All the southern shoreline counties still havent had a frost/freeze and advisories were still up for them last night. BDR's low was 33 and still hasn't had a frost/freeze. Coldest night so far here with a low of 34. HVN' had their first fake frost/freeze with 5 mins below 32. BDR's latest frost freeze is 11/30. I think this might be the year they make it to December
  7. This is nothing like 2016 though when they were running water lines down the merit parkway to Greenwich. One of the resovoirs there basically completely dried up as seen on the graph below.
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