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Posts posted by Calderon

  1. 4 hours ago, ovweather said:

    I hate wearing a mask, too. I think most people do. It’s a pain in the butt. And I find myself frequently touching the mask to readjust it. Ironically, I’m probably touching my face a lot more while wearing a mask than I do when not wearing one. But, I will wear it and continue to wear it as long as need be if it helps fight the spread of the virus and sets a proper example.

    I do agree with you that some people will just dig their heels in deeper when told they must wear a mask. Maybe it’s a pride thing or just a stupidity thing. Regardless, it’s a selfish behavior that shows no regard for anyone else but one’s self. That’s a mindset evident in society that this pandemic has really exposed. Everyone can do better; be more nice and empathetic. It really isn’t that hard.

    Oh, this whole thing has really shown how selfish many Americans are. It's hilarious when folks are all about "my personal freedoms" but places "can't tell me what to do." Like, you can't have it both ways.

    • Like 4
  2. Just now, Stebo said:

    Thank you, there is far too many not wearing them or wearing them wrong that it just throws off any chance of them being as effective as they should be. Hell I see people at work not wearing them, in a god damn airport. I mean that is just incredibly risky.

    Smh, and they wonder why their industry is being hit so hard.

  3. 14 minutes ago, CheeselandSkies said:

    Michael was basically the unicorn of landfalls. In the CONUS, in daylight, with a perfectly formed stadium eyewall untouched by EWRC or dry air; yet it is barely talked about outside of those it impacted and those who chased it.

    Had it made landfall 15 miles farther west, it would've easily been a good $5bil more damaging and practically wiped out much of PCB and downtown Panama City with surge. Also would've completely destroyed my parent's place by St. Andrews State Park if not by the 160mph winds then definitely the 14ft surge versus the wind ripping the roof off and ripping siding away.

    It was surreal being stationed at Keesler AFB and watching it unfold relatively not far away.

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  4. 35 minutes ago, nwohweather said:

    I feel like I need my British girlfriend to come on here and explain these things to you guys lol. Really you guys have no idea how wealthy we are compared to just about every other country. It’s a hell of a combination of high incomes/low taxes/cheap imports that we have

    Wealth does not equate to quality of life/highest living standards. That's just a flat-out false pretense.  

    I've spent many months on end in Australia, for example, and my quality of life and overall well-being was better. 

    • Like 4
  5. 1 hour ago, nwohweather said:

    We have the most competitive economy in the world, by far the highest standard of living for a major country. This has led to the second highest percentage of people with a bachelors degree in the world. Its certainly not perfect but we do live pretty damn good lives in this country.


    Honestly this thread needs to relax. Like damn guys Canada is right there if you guys don’t like it that much?

    Really, highest standard of living in the world for a major country? Australia, Canada, & Germany would all beg to differ, to name a few.

    • Like 4
  6. 30 minutes ago, Jackstraw said:

    I gotcha. Maybe I'm just getting old, I mean I still have maps with thumb tack holes in them from the 80's.  I tracked Hugo and Andrew on a thumbtack map, even took the map with me to Kendall trying to get my uncle to leave at the time.  Yes, I thumb tacked map storms every day listening to the updates on the radio of what y'all see on the NHC website today. The analogy of I walked to school through feet of snow applies lol.

    The only thing that bothers me is when bandwagon riders jump a thread with statements like "is that an eye?  "Looks like its weakening" or "it's gonna blow up".

    Back yourself up.  Jumping on a storm thread and being to lazy to go back 6 10 pages to either learn or see what was discussed is just that, lazy.  You disrespect the others that have been a little more diligent than you.  That discussion probably has already been had, learn from it, then throw your opinion.  Scientific method for the masses if you will.

    Do it like me. If I fall asleep, when I wake up and have time for the board I will scorch a candle and spend 30 minutes reading what I missed.  Most of us aren't experts which is why we have these boards.  The fun and challenge is in the learning at least to me.  

    Ive learned more in life by it being pointed out I'm a dumbass at times than getting a cookie the few times I'm right

    Exactly. i love seeing new people on here and different points of view from either red or orange tags, but also those that aren't tagged but have sounds reasoning, general good observations/discussion, or ask relevant questions. "That's an eye", "is that an eye", "oh it's drying out/strengthening/losing strength" is old really quick. I mean, at least back it up with something or look back a few pages to see if the answer is already there.

    I don't have the time to dedicate to heavily looking into or researching an ongoing event given my job in a certain part of the war world, but the above crap gets so old. Hell, I'm trying to figure out why folks like Idub are even able to post. 

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  7. 8 minutes ago, SnowLover22 said:

    Im pretty sure you would be annoyed as well if someone called you out for no reason. It seems like a normal human reaction. 

    It's an internet board that I've been part of since EasternUSWX, and I'm also 33 forecasting in an active war zone. I really don't care on here. 

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