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Everything posted by Buckethead

  1. There were three more in a perfect line before that pic was taken. It wasn't until they disappeared that I thought to get a pic. And they reappeared after 20-30 minutes. Stellarium doesnt show much of anything in that area oriented like those lights at that exact moment. Just a single satellite. I'm not claiming to know what they were, but I know I have never seen something in the sky do that before lol!
  2. Thanks! That was the first time I shot a moonscape with my new fisheye lens. We also saw several (for lack of a better word) UFOs to the east towards Mcdowell/Burke County. They would alternate between barely visible and as bright as the ISS repeatedly. Thought they might be aircraft but they stayed perfectly still for over ten minutes. Thought they might be satellites, but I've never seen satellites change color or reilluminate after going into the umbra. And now yall think I'm crazy, lol.
  3. Really nice (and cold) night on the Appalachian Trail. Took this with my Nikon around 9 heading up Big Stamp just across the state line into TN.
  4. Ditto for me. 2". Better than nothing, but this time last year I was approaching 2' for the season. I'm ready for a real snow.
  5. I have about this much on my deck. Sleet is mixing in with the snow atm. 28.2°.
  6. 30.4° and snowing currently. Doesn't appear to be mixed with rain or sleet either.
  7. I'm guessing they issued this because of ice concerns and not snowfall. NCZ033-048>052-058-110400- /O.NEW.KGSP.WW.Y.0013.191211T0000Z-191211T1200Z/ Avery-Madison-Yancey-Mitchell-Swain-Haywood-Graham- Including the cities of Banner Elk, Newland, Luck, and Waynesville 255 PM EST Tue Dec 10 2019 ...WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY IN EFFECT FROM 7 PM THIS EVENING TO 7 AM EST WEDNESDAY ABOVE 3500 FEET... * WHAT...Mixed precipitation expected. Total snow and sleet accumulations of up to one inch, up to 2 inches possible in the highest elevations, and ice accumulations of a light glaze. * WHERE...Higher elevations of the North Carolina mountains along the Tennessee border. * WHEN...From 7 PM this evening to 7 AM EST Wednesday.
  8. 50° when I left my house at 7am. I'm down to 37.2° right now. Gonna be a cold night!
  9. I'm ready for a big dog, but I'll gladly take a thin fresh coat in my yard. The snow is almost gone from the last one. Boy, the 12km Nam sure does like the potential overnight Tuesday into Wednesday.
  10. Putting new brakes and rotors on my Jeep this morning in the snow. I love the mountain life...even when I'm working in it!
  11. The 12z euro had a lot of eye candy for next weekend. There's a little bit of everything precip wise. Long way to go though..hopefully it shows up into the mid range.
  12. That run was worth two. Here's hoping the euro is sniffing one out.
  13. Got a little more snow last night, I measured just now and have about 2.75" everywhere. Still a little short of what was forecast.
  14. I saw someone on social media say they received 4" in Burnsville. Unless they're in the area of the NW side of Mt. Mitchell I'm seriously doubting that. Back to flurries here.
  15. I've been at work today so I had to get a shot off the dash cam for y'all. After all of that wind I still have 2" on the ground here.
  16. Sure does look like it's over here. Clouds are breaking and the wind died off. After all of that snow blowing around who knows how much actually fell but I have at least 2" on the ground everywhere I've checked so that's what I'm going with for a measurement. Better than nothing.
  17. Right at an inch on the ground at 7am. Still coming down pretty good. I thought there'd be more overnight but I'm not complaining.
  18. This stuff is like fat little snowballs falling from the sky. Everything is coated and its pouring.
  19. Moderate snow now. 33.8°/28. Should whiten up pretty quickly.
  20. WWAs are up for the border counties. It wouldn't surprise me if they eventually get upgraded to WSW's by tomorrow morning.
  21. Currently have my third thunderstorm of the day. This one is pretty loud...saw a little graupel on my deck.
  22. https://www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/GOES/sector_band.php?sat=G16&sector=umv&band=09&length=12 Impressive water vapor loop this evening of the low. I'm pretty optimistic about what it could mean tomorrow night into Monday morning.
  23. Gsp mentioning the slight possibility of thundersnow early Monday morning.
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