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Everything posted by Buckethead

  1. Currently 35°/30 and light snow here at 4400'. Not expecting much.
  2. I'm grateful to be over 20" this season. I'd like one big one but whether or not it happens, I won't complain. March 2018 I picked up 28.5" of snow. There's still PLENTY of time. Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  3. I'm not sure what my 30 year average is here but I'm guessing it's pretty close to yours. Either way, yeah, we aren't getting there this winter. Where would I find info on that 30 year average? @Hvward is there a map somewhere? Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  4. Well, I got another 3". I put a quarter and a nickel in the piggyback today, Joe! Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  5. Yeah, she gets the job done. Took this last Monday. Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  6. Picked up about an inch of snow overnight. I'm sitting at 31 which would explain why that stuff is so wet. Edit: the snow level is right at 4000' up here this morning. All rain below that, even at my office on the edge of my neighborhood.
  7. Moderate snow now with a fresh dusting already. Might be an interesting night!
  8. There's a nice little strip of moisture aimed right at us upstream on radar. Looks like the intensity could pick up a little before long.
  9. 27°/20 currently with flurries for the past hour. My kind of Sunday.
  10. Been hovering in the low to mid twenties with flurries and light snow showers all day. Only managed a little over an inch though. Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  11. Woke up to about half an inch of snow on the ground already. Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  12. I'm pretty optimistic about the next 10 days man! Thanks for your input, as always. Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  13. Really? Lol. I bet they talked over it...the silence was the best part. Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  14. Yeah, I misspoke. It stopped at my office, which is 3 miles from my house at the rear entrance to the neighborhood. It's still snowing pretty good up at the house, which is about half a mile from the state line. It's almost clear down here...weird... Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  15. Well, it just stopped snowing. It had been falling since around dusk on Sunday. It put me over 16" on the season. Not bad for something that wasn't in the forecast at all.
  16. I spoke too soon. We had a burst of moderate snow and I'm over 3" for the event now. This fluffy stuff adds up quick. Back down to flurries now and I can see blue sky to the southeast.
  17. Is it just me or are the models backing off of the potential for this weekend? Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  18. Yeah, it apparently never stopped snowing here. Didnt amount to much overnight, just another quarter inch or so..2.5" total. Currently sitting at 4.7°.
  19. Thanks guys. Yall can call me Tim, btw. Any of you guys down around Franklin and Sylva seeing anything?
  20. Went up to the AT on Big Bald after work. Easily over 2" up there with huge flakes flying. It's been snowing for 24 hours now and still going. Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  21. Well, today has been a great winter day. Had a high today of 9.1° about an hour ago, and it has snowed all day. I dont think the orientation of the flow tonight is going to do much for me, but I already picked up just over 1.75". I am not complaining. Hope you folks down around the highlands get something this evening.
  22. Checking back to the west on mPING. Looks promising for the southern mountains tonight.
  23. That energy coming down from the midwest looks impressive. Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
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