Dude, he gets dragged on social media. Kinda feel bad to see it because he's a really nice guy personally.
A couple of weeks ago someone asked him on facebook if WLOS needed us to set up a GoFundMe for better forecasting equipment.
Jason Boyer says forget about the nam, it ain't happening...because, you know...it's Jason Boyer. He doesn't like snow...he's told me as much. I'd like to know his reasoning behind that, but gave none.
Still, it's hard to discount it. I've gotten pumped for many a storm that every model had with the exception of the euro and ukie. Most of those times, yall know who won.
I am very optimistic though regardless, just wary.
I wasn't completely awake yet earlier, obviously. I remember that one well, it was the first double digit snowfall after we moved here. Picked up 11.25". Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
I searched for snowfall maps from that event but only came up with badly pixelated maps. It looks like most of WNC picked up half a foot from that with Mt. Mitchell picking up 25".
You have grabbed my attention, Hunter.
I feel lucky to live on Big Bald because I get to see this stuff so often. So, so drastically different from living south of Columbia and in Northern Texas before that. Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
Putting down a dusting up here. Looked like it was coming down harder coming up Scronce Creek a minute ago than it is here. Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
There's an area from far NEGA and the tip of SC that runs through much of WNC and ETN into Virginia actually classified as a temperate rainforest. I thought a rainforest by definition receives 100" of rain equivalent annually, but I've seen information in several places that refers to that entire area as one.
Over 1.5" now and it's absolutely dumping right now. 4-5" total on the roads here. Lots of ski tourists staying here without 4wd and trying to drive around...you can imagine how that's going. It took 45 minutes just to check the mail 1.5 miles away.