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About Southshorewx

  • Birthday 08/08/1980

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  • Location:
    Hingham, MA

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  1. Trees down in Norwell. Lost power in a few spots.
  2. Wouldn't be winter without a DIT call for ice.
  3. South of Boston too. Rattled the windows at work. Wife text from cambridge. Same.
  4. Everyone gave him such a hard time about the ruc. It really looked like someone drew it with a crayon. People gave him a hard time for his coast guard model "because the boy scout model wasn't high def enough" haha.
  5. Haven't measured yet. Hope it hasn't compacted too much.
  6. 10 years ago he would have been ban hammered. Half rhe posters on here would have been weenie tagged. Place is going soft.
  7. Same here in Hingham. struggling to stay flakes.
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