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About Nickysixes

  • Birthday 03/29/1962

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Middle of Old Mission Peninsula, 9 miles N of Traverse City, MI

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  1. Average temps are warmer nowadays because there are THOUSANDS more reporting stations than years ago. They don't like to talk about that though and figure the average Joe can't comprehend such
  2. Another perspective on climate change and the greenhouse gas silliness. The insinuation is that the cooling and heating of our planet is solar induced which makes perfect sense if you have a cursory understanding of atmospheric physics... https://www.brighteon.com/ab3515ec-c725-47ee-a5e5-5896371d6279
  3. Point taken, the whole thing is just so absurd
  4. Okay then. Explain how masks are helping covid-19 cases decrease and where is this occurring?
  5. Masks weaken your immune system. In turn you're more likely to catch anything that comes along, CCP virus included
  6. Problem is, they wear the same masks for weeks at a time. Take the masks away, cases drop. Becoming pretty clear that the personal bacteria farms are detrimental
  7. Your face diaper is as useless as a snow shovel in Barbados outside of a sterile environment. Wear your virtue signal and be happy. Who is dumb enough to think that restricting your oxygen flow is good for any length of time? Just wondering
  8. Yes, wearing your own personal bacteria farm is effective! Michigan cases surging. One Covid+ patient in our ER today told nurse that he wears the same mask for weeks , doesn't understand how he tested positive
  9. The vaccines work. The face diapers are virtue signals. They project fear and make the fearful feel safe. Our Covid patients, I'd say 85% +, "I always wear my mask! Why'd I get Covid?"
  10. Folks up here wear the same masks for weeks at a time. Sure that doesn't help wearing your own personal bacteria farm
  11. This is because, at least here in Michigan, hygiene has always been an issue. Now, put on top of that the fact that 90%+ of the populace are wearing the same mask for weeks at a time and they STILL can't understand the correlation to rising infection rates
  12. They're very good at following orders. Our new Chinese-centric government will appreciate that
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