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Everything posted by adelphi_sky

  1. I see lightning outside my window. Let's see if I can eek out .10 from these showers approaching DC before they ghost on me again tonight.
  2. I fell asleep with showers and lightening marching towards my doorstep. Literally raining in Silver Spring. I wake up with 0.0 in my rain gauge. What cruel world is this?
  3. Fox5 says the storms in Faquier county won't make to DC. Showers only. I believe them....not. We'll either get hail and downed trees or nothing at all. lol .
  4. I'm glad we have cloud cover. Before, when it wasn't raining, the sun has been intense. At least if it won't rain, the clouds give us a break from the sun burning everything to a crisp. Rain is just icing on the cake. .
  5. 1.58in total for me from Tuesday and Wednesday. Although I thought I would have gotten more than .59in yesterday from the storms. I'm happy for now.
  6. Hard to get excited after being literally burned by cloudless skies on days like these. But I'll remain hopefully optimistic. :-)
  7. 83.7/71.6 It's soupy. I finally got your average summer thunderstorm yesterday evening. I got .94" of rain and tons of T&L. Woo Hoo! All I ask is just two of those per week. 86.7F
  8. Fringed again. But hey, at least God is raining on Baltimore. Perhaps feels sorry for what Trump said. Kudos B-More. I'm reducing my lawn watering schedule. I've given up on trying to save my lawn.
  9. Got .18 from a recent shower. I was correct when I said I wouldn’t get above .24. lol .
  10. Zilch so far. I don't expect much today either. I'd be surprised to get above .25 inches from this rain forecast.
  11. I'm hearing that there is going to be a stalled front. Is this true? If there is, it HAS to increase the odds of getting over an inch for the event. Even though my lawn is done for the season.
  12. Thanks, guys. I'm not a met, of course, just a sys admin. It's just super close. I could ride my bike to work. :-) In other news, after coming back from the OBX, I noticed my lawn got a new hairdo. It decided to get its hair color changed to a brownish blonde. Completely unacceptable!
  13. Does anyone know a contact in NOAA College Park? I'm trying to apply for a job there.
  14. You just wait. Those of us in these micro-drought areas will get under a rain band from a tropical storm where it will rain for hours upon hours upon hours. Then we all can enjoy mosquitos and mojitos!
  15. How many people have decided to install Zoysia grass? I learned from some people in NC that Zoysia grass is great for drought-prone areas. Our area is not necessarily known for droughts, but I think it would be nice to have when we get these hot dry spells that last for a few weeks that turns regular fescue brown. I hear Zoysia maintains it's color. Now, I have an established tall fescue lawn, if I started Zoysia seeding this fall, I'm assuming it will take a few years before the Zoysia grass takes over? Or would I need to dig up my current lawn and start fresh with Zoysia?
  16. Seems like my prediction wasn't too far off. I predicted I would struggle to get .50 inches of rain from this event. I got .57 inches. lol The drought continues. Really wish we could get one or two days of constant drizzle and rain that adds up to 2". That's all I'm asking for. Or at least a storm that sits over me for 30 minutes and then dissipates. It is interesting to experience micro-droughts in an area that usually gets enough widespread rain each year.
  17. Not so spectacular down here. Nada. No rain, no wind, no thunder. Just clouds. TV mets were hyping 2-4 inches of rain for slow-moving storms. Extrapolating that with my current summer climo, that means .50 inches or less for me. lol Again, watched reds on the radar to my west only to get nothing.
  18. Well this is a pleasant surprise. Storm headed right for me. Let's see if it holds up 20 minutes out. .
  19. Point-and-click still has 60% chance of rain for me tonight. Looking at the radar, I'm intrigued how this is gonna happen. It's more like a weak 10%. Unless something randomly kicks off some showers
  20. Yeah. THinking about editing my statement.
  21. Yeah. I saw that. Between 11am and 2pm and the radar is as clear as the skies above. almost looks promising. Edit:
  22. I got .10 inches out of that line. Maybe it was raining sideways? [emoji19] .
  23. It got warned eventually. At long last a direct hit. .
  24. Over an inch of rain in one storm. Woo hoo! Bout time. I’m happy. My lawn is happy. All is well in the universe. .
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