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Everything posted by adelphi_sky

  1. 1.97 inches of rain yesterday. Awesome! My lawn is wet with tears of joy!
  2. I have 3.30in of rain so far this week. I am in good shape for now. But my grass is so weak it wouldn't take much to fry it.
  3. I randomly look at my radar this morning seeing if it was going to rain and saw Arthur swirling around in the Atlantic. This is a nice surprise and a nice break from pandemic news. Can't imagine if people have to be evacuated during this pandemic.
  4. Will this affect my afternoon run? Just kidding. But I do have a question. Those winds in DE look scary. Cat 1 type winds. Will we see those here? Hell, even 50mph winds would be scary in the DC area after such heavy rains last night.
  5. Nice rumbles of thunder here. First thunders of spring for me. Nice. First sever thunderstorm alert on my weather radio too! Woo hoo!
  6. Saw flurries here in Adelphi! Man it seems as though we are in Northern Florida excited to see flakes. lol. At least I feel that way. It has been a while. .
  7. I just went to take out the trash and saw some fatties! Though they were about 5 feet apart. [emoji322] Just realized this should be in the obs forum. Mods, can you help a brother? [emoji6] .
  8. My son was born in the middle of the March 3 2014 snowstorm. I will never give up until late March. [emoji3] .
  9. March snow is pretty awesome. Sun angle isn't really an issue for me. We could get 10 inches in Jan and it torch the day after like 50 degrees and all the snow melts fast anyway. I have a feeling we'll have a nice consolation snow in the next 30 days. February is usually good to us. January has always been frustrating for me. Help me out, isn't February the middle of winter anyway for us?
  10. Sleet/rain mix. 25F in Lancaster, PA .
  11. Gosh. I remember the days when all you had was the weather channel, local news, and the NWS forecast phone number. And local channels would go off the air at night. So, all you could do was go to sleep and hope for the best. Now there is so much data at our fingertips, there is no rest for the mind or emotions. Too much data can be a bad thing for our weary data driven souls in the 21st century. .
  12. Is something wicked this way coming? Dost thar be snow? It looks cloudy. Government is shuttin down. My thermo says 44F. Dewpoint is 23.9.
  13. Channeling my Price Is Right skills: BWI: 30.3 DCA: 25.5 IAD: 35.7 RIC: 28.2
  14. 31.3F Hard freeze baby!! Woo hoo!! .
  15. Power is back on. 2.29 for the event. Dow to 50F. .
  16. Yeah. This line is way better than the first. Heaviest wind I've seen in months.
  17. 1.78” for the event. Nice rebound. What drought?!? .
  18. Nice. Maybe our fortunes have changed. Looking forward to it. 3.69 inches in the last two weeks.
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