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Everything posted by adelphi_sky

  1. I thought the season was over until my Google Hub's morning briefing tells me that there is a major hurricane forecast to enter the gulf? I must be working too hard. Studying for the CISSP! I need to program Google Assistant to notify me of invests and tropical updates.
  2. I agree. Any translators in the house? lol
  3. Crazy weather. We get all the rain while the west coast torches. Literally.
  4. A break in the action. 6.39" of rain in 2.5 hours.
  5. Just heard a transformer pop. Electricity flickered. Oh boy. Gettin real.
  6. Whoa! I've been head down at work today. Just decided to look at my rain gauge. 5.64" on the day! Had no idea it was going to rain this much. Insane.
  7. 63.1F Dry. I haven't turned on my sprinklers in a while. Grass and plants are still green. Give me 80 degrees, partly cloudy, and an occasional breeze. That way, if you are out where there is no shade you get brief respites from passing clouds and a slight breeze. Ahhhhhh.
  8. Yeah. Unfortunately, we have an idiot woodpecker. He/she starts pecking at the metal flashing at frickin 6am in the morning. A few years ago, I thought it was someone trying to break into our house. lol Then I later figured out it was a wayward woodpecker pecking on things it shouldn't. lol
  9. Best show in a long time. The rain, the wind, the lightening, the thunder! 2.20" of rain. Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
  10. Looks like that line of storms is going to JUST miss DC.
  11. Weather radio and phone are going off. Tornado watch huh?
  12. 0.81" for the event. 9.35" for the month. Could have swore it was raining all night and expected at least an inch. But it must have been a dream. lol
  13. Steady rain. Which is perfect! Light shows are okay, but not with a toddler who won't sleep. lol Some of us are in for a long night. 0.25" here with a rumble of thunder.
  14. Yep. Seems like I squeezed in between them. Sitting at just 0.04"
  15. Bout time. Woo storms! No dodging me now!
  16. That line of storms moving SE looks mighty thin on the east side.
  17. Came up dry on that first round of storms. Got warned but not a drop. Last chance on this second round.
  18. I can confirm 8.46" for the month at my weather station in Adelphi, MD.
  19. Mosquitoes should be the size of small dogs by now. I've seen condensation on the outside of my windows a good umber of days. And they are double-pane gas filled. Definitely was surprised on the additional 0.22" of rain I got this morning.
  20. Nothing like seeing a shower on radar aim directly for your back yard 20 miles out, getting distracted at work, then looking out your window wondering why the ground is bone dry only to find out the shower did a fantastic juke and is even stronger than it was when you last saw it on radar.
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