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Everything posted by adelphi_sky

  1. Temps still headed in the right direction. Road stickage. Mulch completely covered. 30.4/27.8.
  2. thank you thank you thank you. mix line on radar retreated south of Route 50!
  3. Temps relatively steady. Snow has picked up. 30.6/26.6
  4. Come on snow rates. Increase already. I got the cold air. Show me the snow! Got down to 30.7 bounced back to 30.9/26.6.
  5. Temps on the way down as soon as it started snowing. 31.8/25.1 or so
  6. 32.4 But my weather station has a slight warm bias. So, I may still be below freezing. Google says it's 31 in Adelphi. lol
  7. I agree. It isn't like models haven't been wrong before. Especially when there is a 50 mile margin hanging in the balance. That's like asking models to predict a 50 mile wide bullseye for a hurricane to hit 12 - 24 hours out. Could it happen? Yes. But the low could also scoot 50 miles further east when it matters most. It ain't over until the low is north of Philly!
  8. 36.3/27.1 I have managed to stay out of the grey stripes for a while now. I fully expect a grass topper. 2" - 4" of sloppy goodness.
  9. Sure. I like thick models with a big front-end and a big thump-a-dump at the backend. They are stone cold and leave you breathless as you watch them perform on screen..... wait. Do you mean weather models?
  10. I'm in the sky blue stripe. 2-4. I'll take it. I promised my son it was gonna snow.
  11. Yep! Used to drive down 81 on my way to Virginia Tech.
  12. I'd rather be on the cusp 5 days out than 48 hours out. There are still chances for things to fall into place for some enjoyable snow. If 2020 is the upside down. Then our snow drought ends this year.
  13. I thought it was all schtick. Because it was so predictable.
  14. Perhaps I can convince my wife to take a day trip to Mt. Washington. lol https://www.mountwashington.org/
  15. I've given up on a White Christmas in DC. My wife was gracious enough to let me plan a trip to Vermont for our Christmas vacation breaking the tradition to head to Florida or Louisiana. Bless her heart. Seeing how 2020 has been going watch it rain in Vermont while DC gets 6 inches. lol
  16. 2.99" for the event so far. Still raining. 62.95" for the year.
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