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Everything posted by adelphi_sky

  1. On Channel 5 News this morning they were saying 1 - 2 inches with a mix ending as rain this Sunday. I'm confused. They didn't even indicate that totals could be higher.
  2. Well this is a pleasant surprise. Woke up to pretty fatty flakes falling. Now THIS is winter! 30.9
  3. Don't play with my emotions! Playin' with my models is like playin' with my emotions! Do tell.
  4. 30.2 Let's Gooooo! Let's get these snow totals rising!
  5. Geeze. It has been ages since I got that on my phone. I'm encouraged.
  6. 2ft or bust! Big gamble 6 days out. I'm glad the EURO is giving us love after a long drought.
  7. It's snowing! It's snowing. Mulch is covered. 31.5/27.8
  8. I've been wondering where that was. I even started looking for it online. lol
  9. Made it to VT. Warmer here than back home in MD. lol At home in MD: Curently, 31.1F and 2.00" of rain for the event. Webcams don't show any snow yet.
  10. Merry Christmas! Made it to VT last night. Ran into fog on the way through the Catskills and Adirondacks (Temp dipped into the 30s there). Rained off and on the whole trip form MD. Got really windy at the end of our trip around 10pm. Now it' just windy and 55 here in Wells, VT.
  11. Looking great for my first visit ever to Vermont!
  12. If this plays out, I wonder if my wife will let me come back next year. lol
  13. Even Mt. Washington, NH torches on Christmas. The point and click says highs near 30.
  14. I agree. I'm coming from the Mid-Atlantic for some of that good ole New England white powder for Christmas and I'm looking at rain. lol I even bought snow tire chains. Thinking I need to ditch those and bring rain gear.
  15. Soooooooooo 2020. I plan a trip to VT for a white Christmas and I may be getting a tropical rainstorm while at home, it snows.
  16. Rain all the way up to New Brunswick in late December. Yeah. That works.
  17. Afternoon all. Mid-Atlantic snow-starved weenie here transporting his family to New England for a chance at a white Christmas. At least a Christmas with snow on the ground. lol I've given up on any chance of a DC white Christmas for my young children to experience. So, decided to chase cold air before they lose their over-the-top excitement of seeing snow. Wife picked Wells, VT. I'll be lurking in your forum for the next few weeks! Cheers!
  18. Yeah. I see the mix line coming back north. It was good while it lasted.
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