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Everything posted by adelphi_sky

  1. If these models show the same storm for me inside 2 hours, I'm in!
  2. You mean east? I see a snow squall coming out of WV. If it holds, could be some fun.
  3. Just need one of these flurry death bands to sit over us and we can get a dusting. hehe
  4. Official primetime snow TV ladies and gents! Violent aggressive murderous flurries!
  5. I thought I saw flurries outside my window. But it was just a hallucination.
  6. Snow shield caving ever so slowly. I think we can get some snow TV at least.
  7. If it's not warm mixing issues it's cold dry dew points. lol
  8. Man. That radar is so frustrating. Returns clearly aiming for DC and just disappearing.
  9. I can smell the snow though. If there is a cloud, there is snow!
  10. Just like rain, I can smell the snow to the west. Got my paper towel ready to cover my windshield for that one flake that will fall!
  11. Geeze. I hope everyone in that town had reenforced roofs.
  12. I know there was one event that caught everyone off-guard. The roads weren't treated, it was below freezing and there was like 1 inch of snow that froze instantly on the roads. Took people hours to get home. Kids from school got home at like 6pm. It was crazy.
  13. In the spirit of this thread.....my man!
  14. Everyone in their staterooms lit watching model runs on their laptops while the ship goes down after raiding the bars for expensive liquor.
  15. I laughed out loud on that one.
  16. This is the funniest thread ever. We should do more fail threads like these. It does lessen the pain a little.
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