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Everything posted by adelphi_sky

  1. My weather station confirmed those rates.
  2. We’ll that woke me up. 1.36” so far. Very loud CG strikes. Kids still sleep which is amazing.
  3. Yeah we watched that show too. Then it just got too repetitive. I mean there's not much else to what they do. lol I think the show needs more stories about their lives. I'd be interested in what they cook. lol But it's just the same people riding around catching gators.
  4. I have 10 inches for the month. I won't be too broke up if I only get an inch or two out of this. My house is on a hill. Never had to worry about flooding. My property slopes down on all four sides.
  5. Rain? Heat? Storms? Biblical flooding?
  6. Only got .17" from that dissipating shower. My lawn is happy. I'm happy.
  7. Well that quickly turned into a nothing burger. Some wind, some thunder, brief 10 minute rain. Done. lol
  8. Perfect right now. Rain, thunder, lightening. No wind, no hail. Good ol' fashioned summer thundershower.
  9. I'm on the tippy top of that storm trying to will it north. Definitely can hear the thunder with a few close strikes. It just now started to rain. So, I guess it is slowly expanding north.
  10. My YTD rain total from my weather station comes in at 32.11"
  11. Today's showers are like wack-a-mole. They pop up and down in random locations. Thought fofr sure I was going to get something from the one headed toward me and it poofed before it got to Rockville.
  12. I'm sorry. I've been away awhile. What does this mean?
  13. I took a chance. YOLO'd. I figured riding int he rain may be fun. Turns out, it was dry the whole ride. I left as the showers were dissipating. Got my ride in. I'm good.
  14. No rain here yet. I could possibly walk 15 minutes from my house and get dumped on. lol. But it looks to be inching east as it builds over Silver Spring. Really wanted to get in a good hour of bike riding but Doesn't look like I'll make it back dry. I'll pass. I'm not that hard core yet.
  15. 2.07 inches on the day so far. Phone blowing up with Flash Flood warnings.
  16. Well that was pretty uneventful for my area. Got one good shower. Guess I can mow the lawn this evening.
  17. I saw that one before. My current weather station's wind wheel thingy broke when it was blown off the roof. I have since made the mount more sturdy. But at $329, I'll wait until next month to get it. It has good reviews. 0.12" so far today. But I see incoming rain from Richmond marching north!
  18. While I appreciate the rain, I bike the Northwest Branch bike trail to Anacostia Park in Bladensburg. Last week, the path at some points was covered with deep sand from the Northwest Branch overflowing. It will be interesting if I can continue to ride it this week. After the big storms there were a few large branches that fell on the trail.
  19. My station at one point read a 3.90”/hr rainfall rate. Ended up with 1.78” over night. WOW! Wish I could have been up for that.
  20. The weather gods must have determined I've had enough rain this week. lol
  21. I don't think I've ever waited so long for a line to pass through. lol Moving at 10mph. Very pulsey. Popped down as it got to my house, popping up on the other side of me. Rain is a lock though.
  22. .53" in my backyard yesterday. No wind damage though.
  23. Another .34" in the bucket for a total of 2.36" for the event.
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