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Everything posted by adelphi_sky

  1. Gonna drink some peanut butter whisky to soothe my snow starved soul. I am thinking about going to Harrisonburg, VA for the storm.
  2. I'll take another 6" in mid-January. Certainly is better than the last few years!
  3. 16.8 for the low for my back yard.
  4. I'll be in Stowe this weekend to redeem the 60 degree Christmas torch I experienced in VT in 2020. I figure Stowe is a little higher and should see some snow this weekend. But I got a nice surprise at home before I go. So sweet.
  5. Man that back edge on radar looks like a huge snowplow pushing the snow east. That edge is super straight.
  6. Temperature 49.5°F Dew Point 39.4° From Yesterday -13.3°F
  7. I just ordered an electric cordless snowblower. It will get here Tuesday. Watch it won't snow the rest of the winter so I won't get to use it. lol
  8. If this keeps up, Mt. Washington will be battling rain/snow lines during winter. lol
  9. Came up to the Khalahari Resort hoping for a white Christmas and some family fun. Got a nice surprise. Woke up to a snow-covered ground! This is a lot better than last year's torch rain in Vermont for Christmas.
  10. Consolation Prize: Family trip to the Pocono Mountains. We have a white Christmas Eve! About an inch or two on the ground. However, Christmas Day the forecast calls for 47 and rain. At 1900 ft. Can't win. Last year we went to Vermont hoping for a white Christmas. It was 60s and rain. I guess I'll take 40s and slush. Next year, we'll be in Florida for Christmas. We alternate hot/cold/
  11. Thought maybe someone here was as interested as me. Apparently not. lol
  12. No talk about the tornadoes in the Tennessee Valley threads?
  13. THat's all I ask. Give me a postcard scene.
  14. I think we're already jinxed. lol. We'll see. This winter could be different.
  15. Thank you so much!! Appreciate it. I'm a water guy. Love the beach and the ocean. But I love snow too. So, I'd like to give the mountains a try every once in a while if there's snow there and not here in the DC area.
  16. Okay. This is for you skis fans out there. I'm looking at Snowshoe just for snow-chasing. I like fancy. What are some of the nice places to stay at Snowshoe that is within walking distance to food? There are some places that are located in Village Center. Is that where restaurants are? I want a place with the most snow. I see some villas with garages. Some that look like townhomes. Those are cool. I'm not too familiar with the area. I've never been. So North Mountain and South Mountain, Silver Creek, etc. mean nothing to me. Thanks for your help!
  17. 13.60" for me here between July 15 - Sept. 2.
  18. 2.28" total for the event. Not bad heading into a nice cool dry weekend.
  19. 1.83" No tornadoes. No wind damage. I'm happy.
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