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Everything posted by adelphi_sky

  1. Nice little thundershower here. On the razors edge to the north of the DC storm.
  2. My 9 year old son mentioned the term shelf cloud this morning when talking about the storms they drove through in PA on Friday. I'm so proud.
  3. Pretty good storm here now with tons CTG lightening and strong winds. Saw a few small branches fly around. Kids are a bit nervous. heard some small hail hit the windows. Pretty good storm for once in my backyard.
  4. Yeah. Lookin at the cluster by Warrenton.
  5. Damn. I may not even get clipped by the Germantown cluster. May end up with showers that form behind the line.
  6. I dunno. I see a bunch of yellow severe storm warning boxes popping up west of 81. Looks like a firehose of storms may be headed our way. At least today looks a lot better than yesterday.
  7. Nice call. Shower popped up at the north end of that feature.
  8. Anyone seen this microburst video? It is pretty awesome. Started looking at microburst videos on youtube. Amazing how it looks like some giant dumps a bucket of cold rain out of the sky. Huge wet microburst flattens Trees.
  9. I can't recall the specific year, but I recall that one time when we got like 13 inches of rain from August through September. That was pretty cool. Of course I could be off by a few inches.
  10. Finally. Some good summer storms. Although it would be a tad better if they weren't at the crack of dawn. Nevertheless, I got some good rains.
  11. I keep getting these alerts from Radarscope about heavy rain and tornado threats. But later in the day it never really pans out in my neighborhood. I mean not looking forward to tornados. But rain would be nice. The mosquito population is thin. hehe
  12. Yep. Bone dry in my neighborhood from that early afternoon line. Amazing. Surprisingly this line forming out west tonight may yield a wet road and sidewalks at least. If it holds together.
  13. I do hope. However, lost power Monday night. Kinda fun with the kids and all.
  14. Waiting on this "little storm that could" drift toward the College Park area. We'll see if it makes it. Would be nice but quick.
  15. When Mother Nature picks an area to be dry, she really goes all in.
  16. Man. Our deluge is turning into a shower. Hope a quick T-storm pops up in the last 20 minutes.
  17. Exciting to see the plants in my garden growing little tongues trying to catching one of the drops that fell. Total rain accumulation on radar for my neighborhood barely measurable.
  18. I guess a spit in the bucket is better than nothing. Interesting how the heavy rain is lifting out to our West and not sliding East. Storms to our east. Lucky if we get a parting thundershower after it all goes bye bye.
  19. My son and I were outside playing tennis when we heard it. Thought it was a tanker explosion or a plane crashed. But what was weird was there was a gush of wind right after for like 20 seconds. No wind all day before. Boom. Then gush of wind. Then no wind for the rest of the day. I was thinking of those pressure waves after a bomb explodes. Wind is pushed outward, then rushes back in. Could a pressure wave at 30k feet reach the ground like that and causes gusts? No more wind after that. Light breeze for the rest of the day. So it had to be related.
  20. Oh boy. Not this again. Bone dry looking at radar dry up.
  21. If the upcoming snow threat becomes more real, I may have to go and rescue my weather station that is currently hanging off the side of my roof at a 30 degree angle. hehe. Might just get a new one. The anemometer broke.
  22. I ate a few during my bike ride. Good protein boost. hehe
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