PGCPS is always slow. Just because part of the county is the southern most in the DC area. They should split the county in two for snow days. Zone N for the county north of 50 and Zone S for areas south of 50.
Just call it. Geeze!
I miss wrap around snows. Hoping the low stalls and blows up to a 967mb storm with wrap around snows. Nah. I'm greedy. It's a dream. Of years past. The emotional high. Addicted. Moving and groovin from 2-4". Nice!
I just need one more shade of darker blue. 3" is fine as wine for me. I think this starting a second thread really works. It's got MOJO or JUJU or somethin.
under 24 degrees. The wind chill was insane. Came out to supervise my son brushing the snow off the cars and thought I could step out without a hat or gloves. Wrong. lol
Due to the law of diminishing returns, I'mma need 6" or bust this Friday. I want SNOW on top of snow. hehe. But I do like the trend. I just wish we could get one of those Gulf lows to ride up the coast and give us some feet.