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About adelphi_sky

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Adelphi, MD (Elevation - 91.8ft)

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  1. Squinting to see snow here. Barely see flakes. OF course I'm getting old. hehe
  2. Oy. Good snow, wet roads. Bring back mid Jan!
  3. I'm out of bacon. Gotta have bacon. Going to run to the store right after my 9:30am meeting. 33 here and cloudy. Got down to 28 last night. I just want sledable snow.
  4. I'll go conservative and call for 8" IMBY.
  5. I need the Euro to be the king that it once was this ONE time. Just this once be the King.
  6. Calling JG Winterworth. I want my snowstorm and I want it NOW! .
  7. It only takes 3-4 inches to turn the area into a winter wonderland. I'm still optimistic. Still holding on to my conservative guess of 12" though. I'm a glutton for punishment. hehe.
  8. Nice! The Ukie agrees with my conservative call.
  9. So basically 5" (Euro) to 10" (GFS). I'll go conservative and guess 12"
  10. Another shot of dopamine for the weenies. Hope it pans out. Look like plowable snow for the masses. Charging up the snowblower.
  11. I walked away for a few minutes and saw the number of posts. Knew it was a good run! Sweet!
  12. I like snow TV and some snowcover. At least enough to sled on or make a snowman. I don't need Armageddon snow. Hard to shovel lol I'm old. ANd my son is too young still to get him to do it. lol
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