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About adelphi_sky

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Adelphi, MD (Elevation - 91.8ft)

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  1. I know it's still technically winter. But I'm over trying to go outside and play tennis in chilly weather. Please bring the 60s back! Why on why is it 49F? I want the warm period to start NOW.
  2. I give it a B. I loved the cold air and the fact that I could look at snow for more than a few days. Model watching was also fun even though most ended up south or nothing at all. An emotional rollercoaster for sure. Would love to have snow on snow again. Or at least two big ones next winter.
  3. Is it me or was there a big boom over my area? It woke me up from my nap. It was a big boom, I woke up and my power lines were swinging. Louder than a transformer. Reminded of that sonic boom that one time when jets were scrambled last year.
  4. I recall it snowing in April years ago. Didn't stick though obviously. Needless to say, I deflated the snow tube, folded it, and put it way on the shelf in the closet. One day, we will meet again. Not yet. Not yet.
  5. Looks like a deathband is forming to our west. Should be pretty fun.
  6. Not dead, but definitely in hospice care.
  7. It will come south. And South Carolina will get a nice cold snow to put out the fires.
  8. You also gotta taste the dirt. A la Twister.
  9. I thought someone was referring to the lat storm when I saw the snow map. lol. Told y'all it would come south. lol
  10. It got up to 67 at the beach. I had to go. The warm sun. Thrasher's Fries. It was calling me. Started getting chilly after 4:30pm. Was in the 30s by the time I got home.
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