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Everything posted by gravitylover

  1. Nope, still raining. Added another tenth.
  2. 1.65, still raining but it should be done soon.
  3. Capacitor and fan motor both went bad. Lines were too small for the new units so those had to go and the 35 year old evaporator didn't have the capacity for the new systems so... That damn capacitor was over $700 by itself.
  4. 100 hours ago I told my wife this would head right up the Appalachians. Apparently that's exactly what it's doing, at least in this frame. Guess I'm pretty good at this stuff On the downside, she has a 2 day outdoor craft fair this weekend that's already paid for, hotel too
  5. Boy am I glad I don't still work in the city and have to drive home through that. Still dry here in Mahopac, dry enough that I got to mow the lawn for the first time in two weeks! I mean, it did drizzle for a while earlier but it got windy so I went for it. While I was out there the cloud deck lowered significantly and it started long rumbles as the humidity went through the roof. This beer is going down so smoothly...
  6. And by association those overly warm nights have added ~30% to our electric bills and killed our AC compressor. That was $13k I hadn't budgeted for
  7. Yeah it rained for maybe 10 minutes but was only moderate for a minute or two.
  8. Today's .03 doesn't seem like much but when it rains just about every day it just stays wet. I'm tired of mushy, soggy everything for weeks and weeks. I'd love 3 or 4 days in a row without rain
  9. Yeah CT has been getting hammered this year. There have been some great storms.on the western end that did significant damage.
  10. So, good beach day today? Looks like the rain ought to hold off until after 5 in western Suffolk.
  11. Boy, northern VT just keeps getting slammed. Another 6.5" in just a few hours. The damage is just terrible with nearly everything shut down (again).
  12. I saw a few recently too, figured they're stressed from all the rain we've had. I know my yard isn't in the best shape, stuff is rotting from the bottom up. This constant sogginess is getting old.
  13. Bluewave's chart there pretty much says it all. I'm well over 6" and things are generally very healthy rather than moldy and mildewy. I did have to water a few things today, especially the hanging stuff.
  14. I vote for weather like today 4 days a week from early May to late September.
  15. After a rather soggy couple of days the humidity is down to 86% and it feels great
  16. I think of it a 1-2" potential, not a region wide thing.
  17. Unfortunately our AC died on Saturday morning so we've had the windows open since On the upside, it hasn't been 90°+
  18. Unpossible This might be the 4th dry weekend of the year. That would be nice.
  19. Our central AC crapped out a few days ago These dews are killing me! Of course the town is a few days out for approving the electrical permit
  20. It doesn't get nicer than today. The air is just perfect right now. Too bad there's lawnmowers going all over...
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