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Everything posted by gravitylover

  1. Still in the mid to high 40s below me but I'm at 65° already.
  2. I'm still pulling ripe strawberries and tomatoes from the garden so that's nice.
  3. I've stayed at or above 35 so far, a few stations down below have dropped below 30 a couple of times. I was up in Lake Placid and Saranac yesterday,it was nice to see a foot and a half up on Marcy and Whiteface with great foliage down lower. There were a few times I came around a corner and was totally wowed
  4. As I move around for work I've been thinking that the foliage is pretty good east of I81 other than where the moths did that damage. It is kind of surprising how many plants are still late summer green.
  5. Went to turn the heat on yesterday and the furnace won't kick on
  6. Heat? It got down to 61 in the house, I can live with that. I think tonight I might get a fire going for a few hours after ~3 am. Temps around the hill this morning were interesting, I had 47°, 3/8 of a mile and 500 feet below was 42° and another 1/4 mile and 600 feet above that was 49°.
  7. And it'll all fall on you at 33° with a southerly wind. Sorry...
  8. Funny, I was thinking earlier that I don't remember ever having such an extended period of easterly winds.
  9. First rain of the day so far. I have a steady, soaking drizzle falling.
  10. Funny how just a bit of rain and it goes from dusty to soggy. I like how slowly this happened, the soil opened up and went from hardpan to soft and absorbent and now everything in the garden looks happy again. I was thinking that I miss Julian around here, he hasn't been around since what, the end of the winter? What happened to that guy? I hope he's ok.
  11. Finally a nice steady rain, totals jumped from ~.05 to .15 pretty quickly.
  12. 5.5 hours of dense fog with drizzle and occasional light rain has the surface thoroughly soaked now. Prepped and ready for more For real though, if we get decent rain the next few days it won't just run off the hardpan.
  13. Drizzle overnight and dense fog since about 5am. Surfaces are finally soaked and the plants are loving it.
  14. 2" centered over me. I hope it starts slow so the ground softens before the heavy stuff or the runoff will be painful.
  15. Doh, ended up with 47 seconds of drizzle. Just enough to splatter the dust on the cars and make them look shitty.
  16. Fake news. it looks like it's raining here but... no
  17. This is the first time in 15 months my front yard has gone brown. One more mow to chop up the leaves and that's it
  18. That's what I alluded to when I said the wrong types of grass. My lawn, such as it is, is lush and vibrant summer green. I've never used store bought seeds or fertilizer and never ever water it. I do the no-mow thing in the spring in the backyard then strip thousands and thousands of seeds and spread them in the front. Are they all natives? Probably not but they're strong and self sufficient.
  19. I dunno, yeah it hasn't rained in a bit but the dew has been thick on the clear mornings and the rest have been foggy. It's crazy dense again this morning, so much so that it sounds like rain falling off the trees. The only stuff in my garden that's needed watering is the hanging plants in coir baskets, that stuff gets parched in just a few hours of sun. After 95+ inches of rain in ~14 months the soil moisture is still good a few inches down. If your lawn is browned out you have the wrong mix of grasses.
  20. The disparity between the haves and have nots over the last 15 months is huge. I move around a lot and the differences are so noticable, from parched to lush and back in a couple of hours.
  21. Can you post a link to that when it's done? I'm interested...
  22. I've always thought of September as a dry month if we don't have a tropical storm of some sort.
  23. So far... Kinda like calling winter over on Feb 15 then we get two blockbusters after that.
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