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Everything posted by gravitylover

  1. I have anywhere from a thick layer of translucent slush to 4" on branches.
  2. That dry slot over the Northern Great Lakes is awesome.
  3. It's finally been below freezing for a few hours. It's past time for the garden to call it quits.
  4. Looks like I went below freezing early this morning for a few minutes, it went to 31°! My growing season continues Tomatoes and strawberries are still flowering and the bees came out to play a little while ago.
  5. With a full host of flying stinging things.
  6. We keep seeing stuck patterns, some just a few weeks but some have been like our recently finished 15 month long wet period. How long will we stay dry?
  7. And I just keep rolling along without getting close to a freeze and with only one or maybe two frosts. I had fresh strawberries on my waffle this morning!
  8. Remember when the growing season used to end in October...
  9. Between the .01 last night and the following 7 hours of fog the things that are still growing got very happy. The lawn is lush, soft and green, the tomatoes and berries are flowering and putting on new fruit and the bees came back Unfortunately so did the mosquitoes 75° with a thin overcast. I'll take it!
  10. Yeah I got enough drizzle to wet the ground but there was nothing more than 30 or 40 feet further down the hill or 3 blocks south. The WU station at the town highway dept garage a mile away didn't record .01 so does it count as 0?
  11. Here too. About a month late if you ask me but, better late than never. It's too bad that 90% of people will be oblivious.
  12. Leaves are mostly down so it's time for the final mow and mulch, lawnmower batteries are charging now. I haven't had a hard frost so the tomatoes and strawberries are still producing but I let the rest dry up so it's time to trim that back. While I'd like to see some evidence of winter on the horizon I'll take the minimal heating requirements and call it good. BTW if you need oil I got it for 2.70/gal this morning.
  13. Frost again this morning at the low points on the property but not in the backyard where the garden is. I'm still pulling beautiful, sweet tomatoes and strawberries every day! Yum.
  14. It wasn't too bad, tomatoes and strawberries are still good to go, we'll see after tonight.
  15. I finally have frost! This is the latest first frost I can remember here in the 28 years I've been here. It's weird though, all of the local stations stayed at or above 34°.
  16. Beautiful day I could do without the wind though.
  17. We should start a petition to move the holidays further into the season so there's a better shot at it being more wintry.
  18. I'm hoping too, I'm still getting fresh strawberries and tomatoes from my garden
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